Previously on DALLAS....
-----------After a heated confrontation, Pamela refused to let Tripp take Hunter for his weekend visit, after which Tripp vowed to sue Pamela for full custody.
-----------Tripp called in Cliff and Brad's loan early, essentially out of spite, and in a bid to put Stone-Barnes out of business.
-----------Christopher told Bobby that he was considering playing dirty with Chase over custody of Jacob.
-----------Alex, Shawn, and Bridget graduated high school. Alex and Bridget later celebrated by making love for the first time.
-----------Ray and Donna brought Conner and Dylan home from jail, but Dylan had to return to the Hagman Center as a condition of his bail. Conner was cold to Dylan, blaming him for all their troubles.
-----------John Ross fired Janice for her collusion with Tripp, and replaced her with Clay Jamison, a mysterious and shady new Ewing Oil employee. John Ross didn't know that Clay was hiding something.
-----------In a public confrontation, Tripp told Bobby and Lucas that Lucas is the father of Emma's baby, and that Ann had known all along.
-----------Bobby later confronted Ann, then forced her to move out of Southfork.
-----------After a series of confrontations with people including Shawn, Brad, Justin, and his former friend Jake, and after tossing Janice out of his life, Tripp was brutally attacked by an unseen assailant in the parking garage of his apartment building and left unconscious in a pool of his own blood!
Tripp lays face down in a pool of his own blood in the parking deck of his apartment building, just moments after being struck down with a lug wrench by an unknown assailant, who quickly speeds away and makes their escape into the night.
Pamela's apartment....
Afton is sitting in Pamela's living room watching an old Bette Davis movie on TV when Justin walks into the apartment. He is surprised to find her there. "Afton," he says.
"Hello, Justin."
"Afton, what are you doing here?" Justin asks nervously.
"Pamela called and asked me to come over and sit with the boys. Said she had to go out for a while. I kind of assumed she was going out to look for you."
"Look for me? Why?"
"She seemed worried," says Afton. "Justin, what's going on? Does this have anything to do with Tripp?"
"Tripp McKay is the last person in the world I wanna talk to. Look, Afton, I'm here now, so I can stay with the boys if you wanna go on home."
"No, that's fine," Afton says. "I'm here, so if it's all the same I'll just stay and wait for Pamela."
"Alright, suit yourself," says Justin. He leaves the room, and a few seconds later, Afton hears him close the door of the bedroom. Justin walks over to the bed and takes a seat. He lets out a deep
breath, a look of worry combined with fear coming over his face.
Sharon Smith's apartment....
Shawn arrives home that night. Walking into the apartment, he pauses in the living room, a blank look on his face. After several seconds, Shawn heads down the hall and into his bathroom. He stands there for a moment, as if in
a daze. Shawn looks at his right hand, which has blood on it. He stares at the blood on his hand for another few seconds, then he quickly goes to the bathroom sink and begins to wash his hands vigorously with soap, trying to scrub away every last trace of the blood. Finally managing to wash the blood away, Shawn quickly grabs a towel, dries his hands, then wets one end of the towel. He goes to the door and, using the wet end of the towel, he washes the doorknob of the bathroom door, and once finished, he rushes back into the living room and scrubs the knob of the front door, both inside and outside. After completing his task, he immediately tosses the towel into the wash.
Sue Ellen and Catlin's home....
Sue Ellen walks through her living room and into the foyer of her home as the doorbell rings. Opening the door, she finds a distraught Ann in tears. "Ann," she says.
"Sue Ellen, can I please come in?"
"Of course," Sue Ellen replies.
A few minutes later....
In her kitchen, Sue Ellen pours two cups of tea, one for herself, and one for Ann, then she takes a seat at the table across from her friend. "So Bobby knows everything?" Sue Ellen asks.
"Almost everything," Ann replies, taking a sip of her tea.
"What do you mean, 'ALMOST everything'?"
Ann looks at her. "I didn't tell him that I had already told you about any of this. I know it was another lie to my husband, but, things have already been tense between the two of you since Bobby found out you knew about that deal John Ross made with Wentworth Industries. Last thing I wanted was to drag you into the middle of this, and have Bobby angry with you, too."
"Ann, I am SO sorry. How in the world did Tripp McKay find out about this?"
"It had to be Katherine," Ann replies. "It's the only thing that makes sense. The only other people who knew were me, Emma, and you. And I know neither of us told McKay, and I'm sure he couldn't have had mine and Emma's cell phones tapped."
"So you think Tripp McKay has been in collusion with Katherine Wentworth?" Sue Ellen asks.
"He had to be, and the more I've thought about it, the more convinced I am that it was McKay who was sendin' those strange notes in the mail. He was probably workin' for Katherine. Oh, my God, Sue Ellen, what have I done?" Ann asks as she begins to cry again. "Bobby will never forgive me for this."
"He will. You and Bobby have had rough patches before, and you've always made it through."
"Not this time," Ann says. "You didn't see him, Sue Ellen. You didn't see how angry he was, or hear the things he said. And
Lucas. I'll never forgive myself for what I've done to him. And I still have to call Emma and tell her what's happened. But if there's one good thing that's come out of least Tripp McKay won't be able to hurt anyone again."
Sue Ellen looks at Ann, puzzled by her friend's strange words about Tripp McKay.
Heather comes out of the house and onto the patio at Southfork. She finds Lucas sitting by the pool, staring blankly at the water. Breathing a sigh of relief that he is home, she walks over to him. "I was worried about you," she says. "Lucas, where'd you go?"
"Just went out for a drive," he replies, not taking his eyes off the pool.
"Lucas, I know this has all come as a real big shock to you. It's gettin' late, why don't you come upstairs?"
"As I was drivin' around, Heather, I just couldn't wrap my head around this," Lucas says. "I have another son. A son who's over a year old. Emma was HERE, Heather. Months ago, she was here, on this ranch with my son, and she never had the guts to tell me that Logan was mine. I started to call her and tell her I knew the truth, but, I realize that's not the way to do this. I have to go to California in person and confront her."
"Lucas, do you really think that's a good idea right now?" Heather asks.
"Yes. Yes, I do. I want her to look me in the eye and tell me why she lied to me. And I wanna see my son. So I'm goin' to California tomorrow."
"Lucas, I don't think that's a good idea."
"What do you mean, you don't think that's a good idea? Heather, Emma has my son in California. I wanna see him."
"Lucas, I know that," Heather says. "But if you go out there right now the way you're feelin', you're just gonna make things worse. Best thing for you to do is calm down, get yourself together. Just wait a few days, and then we will BOTH go to California to confront Emma about this. For now, though, we have another problem.......Michael. He's gonna have to be told about this, and I think we should both be here with him to help him deal with it."
Lucas sighs deeply. "Yeah, you're right. If I went out to California right now, all half-cocked, I'm liable to say or do somethin' I might regret. I'm mad enough to wring Emma's pretty little neck for this."
"Exactly. So just wait a few days. We all need time to process this, especially you. Hey, it's gettin' late, so let's go up and try and get some sleep?"
"I doubt if I could sleep, But I would like to take a shower and get out of these clothes," Lucas says standing to his feet. He and Heather walk into the house hand in hand.
A minute later they enter the foyer and head up the stairs to their bedroom, but Heather stops on the stairs when she notices some red spots on Lucas's shirt that look like small spots of blood. "Lucas," she says.
"What's this on your shirt? Looks like blood?"
Lucas looks down at the spots on the breast of his white shirt. "What? Oh, umm, I......don't know. I must have cut myself or something," he replies nervously.
Heather feels the spots with her hand. "I dunno if this is gonna come out."
"Doesn't matter. I'll just toss it. I've got plenty of shirts, anyway," Lucas says, then he heads on up the stairs with Heather.
Pamela's apartment....
Pamela walks into her bedroom that night. She closes the door behind her, and hears the shower water running in the bathroom. In a few seconds, the shower stops. Pamela walks over and takes a seat on the bed, a blank, dazed look on her face. After a few seconds, she gets up, quickly takes off her blouse and tosses it into the closet. As she is taking off her pants, Justin comes out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. The two look at each other for a moment.
"I'm glad you're home," he says.
"I'm glad you're home, too. Where'd you go earlier?"
"I was just out drivin' around," Justin replies. "I was so restless. And mad as hell at McKay. I needed to be alone, and get it out of my system. Where did you go?"
"Just......out," Pamela replies. "Like you, I needed to clear my head."
"Is Afton still here?" Justin asks, as he slips on a pair of fresh boxers.
"No, I sent her home. Justin, can we just go to bed, and just lie there? I don't wanna talk, I just want you to hold me."
Justin walks over to Pamela and embraces her. "Yes," he says, holding her closely to him. "I'd like that very much."
Tripp's apartment building....
As Tripp continues to lay motionless in a pool of blood on the floor of the parking deck in his apartment building, two teenagers, a boy and a girl, enter the parking deck. Giggling, the two teens stop and kiss. "Come on," the boy says. "I know a perfect place we can go."
The girl smiles. "Lead the way, sir," she says in a flirtatious tone. The two take hands, and as the proceed on their way, the boy stops suddenly, a look of shock on his face. "Nicholas, what's wrong?" The girl asks.
"O....over there," the boy says.
The girl looks ahead and sees Tripp laying in a pool of blood about 15 feet away. Upon seeing the terrible sight, the girl screams in horror.
"Jessica, stay here," Nicholas tells his girlfriend. The boy slowly walks over to the body and looks down at Tripp. Nervously, he kneels down beside him and touches him. "Hey," he says.
"Nicholas, is he......."
The frightened boy looks at his girlfriend. "He's dead." The boy stands and returns to his girlfriend. "Come on, let's get out of here."
"But, shouldn't we call someone?"
"We will, but we have to get out of here!" The boy takes his girlfriend by the hand and the two teens run as fast as they can.
A short time later, several police cars and an ambulance have converged in front of Tripp's apartment building. An unmarked police car pulls up and comes to a stop. Detectives Craig Anderson and Steven Jones get out of the car and rush into the building. A moment later, Craig and Steven enter the parking deck, where they approach a uniformed officer on the scene. "Baker, what've we got here?" Steven asks.
"Two teenagers found a guy dead over there by that door," the officer replies, pointing to Tripp's body across the way. "It's a homicide."
"Cause of death?" Craig asks.
"Guy was bludgeoned to death with a sharp object. He has a deep wound on the side of his head."
"Any I.D. on him?" Steven asks.
"Oh, yeah," the officer replies. "This is gonna be a big case, and I mean REALLY big."
"Why? Who is he?" Craig asks.
The officer looks at both detectives. "Tripp McKay, CEO of Westar Oil."
The mouths of both detectives fall open in shock when they hear who the victim is. "Tripp McKay?" Steven asks. The two walk over to the body. Steven kneels down.
"You knew him?" Craig asks.
"Yeah, I did."
Craig also kneels down beside the body. "Looks like at least two blows to the head."
"Jeffries, you talked to the two kids who found him?" Steven asks one of the officers.
"Yeah, we did. We got their statements. Both were pretty shaken up by this."
"Can't blame them," says Craig. "This itn't the kinda building you'd expect to find a murder victim."
Sharon Smith's apartment....later....
"Alright, I'm comin'. Hold your horses," Sharon Smith says as she comes into her living room to answer her ringing doorbell. "Who in the world can that be at 4:30 in the mornin'?" She opens the door to find Craig Anderson and Steven Jones. "Yes, can I help you?"
"Are you Sharon Smith?" Steven asks as Shawn comes down the hall and listens at the doorway to the living room.
"Yes, I'm Sharon Smith. Who are you?"
"Ma'am, I'm Detective Steven Jones and this is my partner, Detective Craig Anderson. We're with the Dallas Police Department."
"The police?' Asks a nervous Sharon.
"Thomas McKay, Jr. is your son?" Craig asks.
"Tripp? Yes, he's my son. Why? Has somethin' happened?"
"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, Mrs. Smith," Craig says. "Your son, Tripp McKay, he's been killed."
"What?" Sharon asks in shock. "Tripp? No, there must be some mistake."
"I'm afraid not, ma'am."
"NOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Sharon screams out. "OH MY GOD, NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" Shawn runs into the room and grabs his mother as Sharon collapses to the floor in tears.
Southfork....later in the morning....
Bobby is sitting alone on the patio as Maria pours him a cup of coffee, when Christopher and Courtney come out of the house. "Dad," Christopher says, he and Courtney taking their seats at the table.
"Where is everyone?" Courtney asks.
"No Idea," Bobby replies, rather sharply.
"Dad, what exactly happened here last night?" Christopher asks. "Heather told me a little, but, is it true? Lucas is the father of Emma's child?"
"Yes, that's true."
"Is it true that Ann knew all along?"
"Look, son, I really don't wanna talk about Ann right now. But I WILL go ahead and tell you that Ann is no longer living here in the main house. I told her she could stay in the guest cottage."
"Mornin'. everybody," John Ross says as he and Krystina come out of the house.
"Morning," Courtney greets.
John Ross and Krystina take their seats at the table. John Ross looks at his uncle and cousin. "Okay, what the hell is goin' on around here this mornin'? All three of you look like you got the worst news of your lives. And where's the rest of the fam'ly?"
"It's a long story, John Ross," Christopher replies.
Lucas and Heather come out of the house. Bobby looks at his younger son. "You get any sleep last night?"
"Not really," Lucas says. "I don't think I want any breakfast, I'm just gonna head on to the office."
"Well, I wish SOMEBODY would tell me what's goin' on around here, and why everybody is in the kind of mood you're all in," John Ross says as Lucy comes out of the house.
"Morning, everyone," Lucy says, taking her usual seat at the table. She looks around the table at her family. "Boy, I've seen happier faces at a funeral."
Before anyone can say anything else, Alex comes onto the patio, a look of shock on his face.
"Alex, what's wrong?" Krystina asks.
"I turned on the TV, and there was a special news report on."
"What happen? We go to war with North Korea or somethin'?" John Ross asks.
"No. Tripp McKay is dead."
"What?" Heather asks.
"Oh my God," Krystina says.
"What happened?" Christopher asks.
"The news reporter said that........he was murdered. His body was found in the parking garage of his apartment building last night."
"Good Lord," says Lucy.
"I just can't believe it," Christopher says. "Hunter a few years ago, and now Tripp? Both brothers?"
"I gotta call Shawn," Alex says, rushing back into the house.
Bobby, Lucas, nor John Ross seem surprised or shocked by the news of Tripp's murder.
Cliff and Afton's apartment....
Cliff is in the kitchen of his and Afton's apartment that morning nervously fixing himself a cup of coffee when Afton rushes in. "Cliff, I just heard on the news," she says.
"Heard what on the news?" Cliff asks.
"It''s Tripp. He's dead. His body was found last night."
"Oh? Did, uh, did they say what happened?" Cliff asks.
"Yes. They said someone killed him."
Cliff remains silent as he picks up his cup of coffee and blows on it to cool it before taking a sip.
"Cliff, did you hear me? I said that Tripp was killed last night."
"Yeah, I heard. I'm sorry to hear that."
"That's ALL you have to say?" Afton asks. "Cliff, I just told you that our daughter's ex-husband, the father of our grandson, was murdered last night and you act like you don't even care?"
"Look, I'm REALLY sorry for our grandson, and for Tripp's family. But I cannot bring myself to mourn Tripp McKay."
"Cliff, I don't understand you," Afton says. "I know that Tripp had changed, and that things have been pretty bad between he and Pamela lately, but, you and he use to be very close. You thought of him almost like a son."
"Yeah, well, that was BEFORE he tried to put me and Brad out of business and destroy our company. I'm sorry, but if somebody killed him, I guess he just finally pissed off the wrong person."
Afton shakes her head. "I'm going over to Pamela's. No matter what was going on between them, this news is gonna hit her pretty hard, so she'll need me there. Are you coming?"
"No. I have some business to take care of."
"I don't BELIEVE you. Fine! Take care of your damned business, and I'll go take care of our daughter......just like I've always done." Afton turns and leaves the kitchen.
A look of worry comes over Cliff's face once Afton is gone and he's left alone in the kitchen.
The Wentworth mansion....
Austin walks into his dining room with a bowl, a jug of milk, and a box of cereal. He pours himself a bowl of the cereal, pours some milk in, and takes a seat at the dining room table, then switches on the TV. The morning news is on, and as he begins to eat his cereal, a news story catches his eye. He picks up the remote and turns up the volume: "All of Dallas and the entire oil industry is in complete shock this morning by the news of the murder of Westar Oil CEO, Thomas "Tripp" McKay, Jr., who was found dead late last night in the parking garage of Dallas's Museum Tower Apartments near Warren Park, where he lived. The 31-year-old McKay had been named Chief executive officer of Westar last year. He was the grandson of the late Carter McKay, and of Jeremy Wendell, both of whom had also served as CEO of Westar Oil in years past......."
"Oh my God," Austin says, dropping his spoon into his cereal, a stunned look coming over his face.
Jill's apartment....
"Police are not disclosing McKay's cause of death. We will have further details on this breaking news story as they become available," a newscaster says on television as Jill is also listening to the news reports of Tripp's death. She quickly switches off the TV and lets out a deep sigh. She is startled when her doorbell rings. Jill makes her way through the living room and opens the door to find John Ross there.
"I guess you heard the news," John Ross says, walking into the apartment.
"Come in, good morning to you, too," Jill sarcastically says as she closes the door. "Yes, if you're talking about Tripp, it's been all over the news."
"I guess that makes you happy. Now that McKay's gone, he can't hold that secret over your head."
"Yeah but it's a little late, since I already told Jay everything."
"Well, still, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy," John Ross says. "Now, let me ask you a question, Jill. Did you kill him?"
"You seriously just asked me that? Do YOU think I'm a killer, John Ross?"
"No, I don't think you're a killer. But darlin', anybody is capable of killin' under the right circumstances."
"And what about you, John Ross?" Jill asks. "You had every bit as much reason to hate Tripp as I did."
"You're right, I did. But I didn't kill the bastard."
"And you think I did?"
"Jill, I'm askin'."
Jill looks at him for a few seconds. "No, John Ross," she finally replies. "I didn't kill Tripp, although I wanted to. Believe me, I wanted to."
John Ross nods. "Alright then. Since neither one of us did it.......then who the hell did?"
Jill sighs. "Well, the way Tripp was making enemies right and left in recent could've been just about anybody in Dallas."
Sharon Smith's apartment building....the pool....
Shawn, Alex, and Bridget walk out to the pool area of the apartment building where Shawn and his mother live. "Thanks for coming over, guys," Shawn says as the three take seats by the pool, Alex on a table and Shawn and Bridget on lounge chairs.
"Yeah, no problem, dude," Alex says.
"I needed to get out of that apartment. My Mom, she was distraught."
"Who's with your Mom now?" Bridget asks.
"Mitch Cooper. He gave her a sedative. And Tripp's aunt, Tracey McKay, is up there, too."
"Dude, I can't even imagine what your Mom must be goin' through right now," says Alex. "It's bad enough to lose ONE son, but, now she's lost two. And you've lost two brothers."
"Wait, TWO?" Bridget asks.
"Yeah," Shawn replies. "Tripp had a twin brother, Hunter. He died in 2014. But, I never actually met him."
"What happened to him?"
Alex and Shawn exchange looks. "He, ummm, he was murdered, too," Shawn says.
"Oh my God," says Bridget. "Both of your brothers died like that?"
"Bridget, I'm sure he probably doesn't wanna talk about that," Alex says.
"I'm sorry, Shawn. Alex is right. Is there anything we can do for you, or for your Mom?"
"I......really don't know," Shawn replies. "I think it's probably gonna be a pretty rough few days ahead, so, I am gonna need my friends around."
"Well, you know you've got us, bro," says Alex. "We're here for you, whatever you need. Oh, and Ashley will be coming to town this afternoon, too, so she'll be here for you, too."
"Good," Shawn says. "I could use all of you guys, because right now, I feel like I'm living in a nightmare."
Ewing Oil....early afternoon....
John Ross is working at his desk when a knock sounds at his door. "Come in," he says.
Clay walks into the office. "John Ross, thought you could use a cup of coffee," he says, placing the cup down on the desk.
"Well, I appreciate that, Clay, and you're right."
Clay smiles. "No problem. I really can't believe the news about that CEO over at Westar, Tripp McKay. Wow, that's terrible. He was an enemy of yours, wasn't he?"
"Yeah, you could say that. But we weren't always enemies. McKay and I use to be friends. Funny how things change."
"Yeah, itn't it, though?" Clay says. "Well, is there anything else I can do for you, John Ross?"
"Yeah, file these for me, would ya?" John Ross says, handing Clay a stack of papers.
"I'll do it right now."
"Thanks. Then you can go on to lunch."
"Yes, sir. I'll go file these," Clay says, then leaves the office. Going back to his desk, Clay opens the filing cabinet behind the desk and begins to file the papers John Ross had given him.
"Clay, I'm goin' to lunch," Sally says.
"Okay. I'll be doing the same as soon as I finish filing these documents for John Ross."
"I'll see you in a bit." Sally grabs her purse from her desk drawer and leaves. As she gets on one of the elevators, the doors of the second elevator opens, and James Beaumont steps off.
James makes his way over to Clay's desk. "Excuse me," he says, walking up to Clay, who is still filing the papers.
"Yes, may I help you?" Clay asks.
"Is John Ross Ewing in?"
"Is Mr. Ewing expecting you?"
"No, he's not. But I'm his brother, James Beaumont."
Clay smiles. "Well, I'll let John Ross know you're here." Taking a seat at his desk, Clay buzzes John Ross's office.
"John Ross, your brother, James Beaumont is here to see you."
"James? Well, send him in," John Ross says.
"You can go right in, Mr. Beaumont," Clay says.
"Thanks." James walks over to John Ross's office and goes in as Clay watches with a smile.
"James, what in the world are you doin' here?" John Ross asks, greeting his older brother.
"Debra Lynn, the kids and I just got into town about an hour and a half ago."
"Well how long y'all stayin'?" John Ross asks.
"A few days. We're gonna get Ashley settled in, and have a nice visit with Jimmy. I came here because I was kinda hopin' you and I could have lunch. I have somethin' I wanted to talk to you about."
"Okay. I was just about to head out myself, anyway, so you're just in time. I was goin' to the Cattlemen's, that okay with you?"
"Yeah, I haven't been there in a long time," James replies as he and John Ross leave the office.
"Clay, I'm goin' to lunch with my brother," John Ross says as they pass by Clay's desk.
"Yes, sir, I was just about to go to lunch myself. I finished filing those documents," says Clay.
"Fine, see you in a bit," John Ross says.
Clay watches as John Ross and James walk to the elevator. The young man waits until the brothers get on the elevator, then, making sure no one is around, Clay takes out his cell phone and dials a number. "Hey, it's me," he says to the person on the other end of the line. "You'll never guess who's in Dallas. James Beaumont. Thought you might wanna know," he continues with a smile.
Brad's apartment building....the pool...late afternoon
Brad is lounging by the pool at his apartment building later in the afternoon when Cliff comes out of the building. Looking around, Cliff spots his son and walks over to him.
"Well, you do realize that this is a work day and not a weekend, right?" Cliff asks.
"I'm very well aware of what day it is, Cliff," Brad replies, continuing to look at his phone.
"Then why are you here, and not at the office?"
"Just taking a day off to celebrate."
"Celebrate? Celebrate WHAT?" Cliff asks.
Brad puts his phone down and looks at him. "Haven't you heard? Tripp McKay will be havin' dinner with the devil tonight."
"Of course, I heard. But I don't think that's any cause to celebrate."
"Come on, Cliff. The guy was about to put us out of business. With him out of the way, since that loan he gave us was a personal loan and not a loan from Westar, I guess there's no one to collect."
Cliff takes a seat beside him. "Umm, look, son, if I were you, I wouldn't be saying stuff like that out in public."
"Why not? I can't pretend I'm sorry that bastard is dead, Cliff. Are you sorry? After what he put Pamela through? After what he did to US?"
"Look, I know how ya feel. But, Brad, no matter how you and I feel personally about what happened to Tripp, it's best that we don't act like we're happy the guy was killed because once the cops start askin' and I are gonna be right at the top of the suspect list. And I think we'd better figure out how we're gonna handle that. Brad, where were you last night?"
"I stayed at the office for a while, then I went to a liquor store down the street, bought a bottle of bourbon, and then came home and got smashed," Brad says. "Is this your round about way of asking if I killed McKay?"
"No, of course not. It's just that, you and I are both gonna need alibis."
"Then where were you?"
"I went straight home," says Cliff. "But of course I won't be able to prove that, because I was home alone since Afton was at her club until after midnight."
Brad sighs. "So neither of us has an alibi."
"No. That's why I think we should help one another by providing alibis for each other. Because when the police question us, which they surely will, we're gonna need those alibis."
"Cliff, you just said you went straight home from the office last evening," Brad says.
"Yeah, so?"
"Before you left the office, you said you were gonna try one more time to talk to Tripp about calling our loan in. Did you?"
"Oh, yeah, uh, NO. No, I didn't," Cliff replies nervously. "I never did get in touch with him yesterday evening, so, no, I never saw Tripp."
Brad looks at his father skeptically.
Southfork....that night....
Bobby is fixing himself a drink in the den that night at Southfork when Ann walks in. She pauses in the doorway for a moment and watches Bobby, his back to her. She fights back tears as her heart breaks over the pain she has caused him. After he finishes making his drink, he turns around and sees his wife.
"Hello, Bobby," Ann says.
"What are you doin' here?"
"I came to pick up a few more of my things. I'm stayin' at Sue Ellen's. I thought maybe we could talk."
"As far as I'm concerned, we said all there is to say last night."
"Bobby, please, just hear me out," Ann says. "I know how angry you are. If I could turn the clock back and undo all of this, I would."
"But you CAN'T," says Bobby.
"No, I can't. But I can spend the rest of my life tryin' to make this up to. I'm so sorry that I lied to you."
"You're sorry that you lied to me. How many times have I heard that one over the years? I've lost count. You kept the fact that I have a grandson from me. You kept Lucas from knowing that he had another son. You think I'm just supposed to forgive that because you say you're sorry?"
"No. I don't expect you to forgive me. Any more than I can forgive myself."
At that moment, Christopher, Courtney, Lucas, and Heather walk into the room. Lucas gives Ann a cold look.
"Hello, Ann," says Courtney.
"Hello, Courtney. Christopher."
"Ann," Christopher says.
"Lucas," Ann says.
"Excuse me, everyone, I've suddenly lost my appetite," Lucas says, then turns and leaves the room.
Ann lowers her head as she fights back tears. "I understand how he feels."
"Did you expect him to feel any different?" Heather asks, then turns and leaves the room, following Lucas upstairs.
"You can get your things and then leave," Bobby tells his wife as he puts his drink down on the bar. He also starts to leave the room.
"Dad, don't you think you're being a little harsh?" Christopher asks.
Bobby pauses for a moment, looks at his son, then at Ann. "No, I don't. Not at all," he replies. "I'll be in my office until she's gone," he says as he walks out of the den.
"I suppose you both know what happened?" Ann asks.
"Yeah, we do," replies Christopher.
"Ann, are you alright?" Courtney asks. "Is there anything we can do for you?"
"Thank you, Courtney, but no. I created this mess, and it's up to me to somehow fix it, or live with it if I can't."
Pamela's apartment....the next morning....
Pamela opens her door to find Detective Steven Jones. "Morning, Mrs. McKay," Steven says.
"Detective Jones."
"May I come in?"
"Yes, of course," Pamela says, stepping aside to let the detective in.
"I suppose you know I'm here to ask you some questions about the murder of your former husband, Tripp McKay," Steven says.
"Yes, I figured as much. Please, sit down."
"Thank you," Steven says, taking a seat on the sofa as Justin walks into the room.
"Detective Jones, you know Justin Ewing?" Pamela asks.
"Yes, I do. Mr. Ewing."
"It's actually rather convenient that you're here, Mr. Ewing. I have some questions for you, as well."
"Okay, fine," Justin says. He and Pamela take seats across from Steven.
"Mrs. McKay, I realize this must be a very difficult time for you, so I'll try to make this as brief as possible," Steven says.
"Thank you."
"Mrs. McKay, I understand that you and your husband......your EX-husband, had some issues. Your divorce wasn't very friendly."
"No, I'm afraid that's true," says Pamela.
"Would you mind telling me what those issues were? What led to the divorce? I don't mean to get too personal here, but, I remember not even two years ago, when you and your mother were kidnapped by Scott Van Buren, Tripp was determined to rescue you, even at the cost of his own life. He seemed to love you so much. What changed?"
"Tripp changed, unfortunately. And that whole experience with Scott Van Buren changed everything. Detective, something happened in Canada, with Scott Van Buren, that I never told the police."
"And what was that?" Steven asks.
"He......." Pamela pauses as she struggles to hold back her tears. "Scott, he raped me."
"Why didn't you report this to the police?"
"I was too ashamed. I just wanted to forget that it happened. But, I found out I was pregnant. It was strange, since it happened so soon after I gave birth to my son Hunter, but, it happened. Van Buren was the father, and Tripp, he couldn't handle that. He began to change. He became harder, colder. He even tried to make me choose between him and my unborn baby. It was either, get an abortion or our marriage was over. I chose to have my baby, and Tripp left me."
"I'm very sorry," Steven says. "You and Tripp had some problems recently, didn't you?"
"What were those problems about?"
"I'll tell you what it was about," says Justin. "McKay was threatening to take Pamela to court and sue her for custody of their son Hunter."
"A couple days ago, in fact, the day Mr. McKay was murdered, there was a confrontation between the two of you and Mr. McKay at the Cattlemen's Club. Was this about the custody suit?"
"Not exactly," Pamela nervously replies.
"McKay was bein' a jackass, as usual," says Justin.
"We have witnesses, Mr. Ewing, that say that YOU threatened to kill McKay," Steven says. "According to those witnesses, you got into a violent altercation with McKay, you punched him, and then you yelled that you would kill him if he ever talked that way about Pamela again."
"I lost my temper," Justin says. "McKay was the kinda guy who could push anyone's buttons."
"Did you mean what you said, Mr. Ewing? That you would kill him?"
"Of course not."
"Where were you last night, about 9:30?" Steven asks.
"Yes, that's the estimated time of the murder, according to the coroner's report."
"Hmmm, 9:30........I was here," Justin replies, his answer eliciting a curious look from Pamela. "I was right here in this apartment with Pamela and the boys."
"So you both were here last night between 9 and 10 p.m.?"
"Yes, Detective......we were," Justin lies.
"Justin, WHAT were you thinking, lying to the police like that?" Pamela asks, after Steven has gone. "Neither one of us were here at 9:30 last night."
"I.....I don't know, it just slipped out."
"You never told me where you really were last night after you left here."
Justin looks at her. "What the hell's that supposed to mean, Pamela? I told you, I went out for a drive."
"Is that all?"
"Of course, that's all! Hell, you never told me where you were, either."
"I went looking for you," says Pamela."
"Because in the state of mind you were in, I was afraid....."
"Afraid of WHAT, Pamela?" Justin angrily asks. "That I might do somethin' stupid? Like goin' to confront McKay again?"
"You were angry."
"Damn right I was angry. But do you really think I'm capable of killin' someone, even Tripp McKay?"
Pamela looks at him, fighting back tears, but remains silent.
Justin looks at her and nods. "That's just great. Your silence says it all."
"Justin, I......"
"No," Justin says. He walks to the door and starts to leave.
"Justin, where are you going?" Pamela asks.
He looks at her. "I'm goin' to work. Pamela. Then, after work, I'm goin' home. To MY home. Because if you think I'm capable of cold blooded murder........well, obviously you wouldn't want me here, around you and your kids." Before she can say another word, Justin quickly leaves.
After he's gone, Pamela takes a seat on the sofa and breaks down in tears.
The Omni Hotel, Dallas....later....
A man walks into the front lobby of the Omni Hotel in Dallas later in the morning and approaches the front desk. "Excuse me," he says to the desk clerk.
"Yes, may I help you?"
"I'm Chase Gioberti. I have a reservation."
"Ah, yes, Mr. Gioberti. You'll be in suite 719. I'll have someone take your bags up. Will you be staying with us long?"
"At least a few days," Chase replies.
"Well, we certainly hope you enjoy your stay in Dallas," the clerk says.
"I'm sure I will. And if all goes well, I'll be leaving Dallas with my son."
A taxi pulls up at Southfork late that afternoon and comes to a stop. After a moment, Chase Gioberti gets out of the taxi. He looks at the house, then looks over the landscape of the beautiful ranch. As he is about to walk to the house and ring the bell, Courtney comes onto the patio. Spotting Chase, she walks out to meet him.
"Chase, what are you doing here?" Courtney asks.
"I came to see you, and, to see Jacob."
"Look, it's not a good time for you to be here. In fact, you shouldn't be here at all."
"Jacob is my son, Courtney," Chase says. "I have every right to see him. Look, I've kept my distance all these months because you asked me to. Because you said it was best for Jacob. But with this custody hearing coming up in a few days, it's time I meet my son. Where is he, Courtney?"
"He's in the house."
"Well, are you gonna let me see him, or do I contact my attorney?" Chase asks.
"Chase," Courtney says. Just then, Jacob comes out of the house with Michael and Heather, the boys dressed in their swim trunks.
Chase looks at Jacob for a moment, then smiles and walks over to the boy. "Hello, Jacob," he says.
"Who are you?" Michael asks.
"Michael, honey, come on," says Heather. "You go on and get in the pool. Jacob will be along soon."
"Okay," Michael says, obeying his mother, he and Heather walking out to the pool.
Courtney walks over to Chase and Jacob.
"Jacob," Chase says. "My name is Chase. Chase Gioberti."
A look of sadness comes over Jacob's face. "You're Chase Gioberti?'re my father?"
"That's right, I am. I've been wanting to meet you for a really long time."
"You're a lot younger than I expected," Jacob says.
Chase smiles. "Well, you're mother and I were both very young when you were born. Y'know, Jacob, I can't tell you how happy I am to finally get to meet you. You look a lot like my family, the Giobertis."
At that moment, Christopher's car pulls up to the house and comes to a stop in the parking area. Getting out of the car, Christopher walks up to the patio, the anger showing on his face at seeing Chase at Southfork with Courtney
and Jacob. "Gioberti, what the hell are you doing here?" He asks.
"I came to meet my son, something you and his mother have tried your best to prevent," Chase replies.
"I want you off this ranch, NOW!"
"Uh, Jacob, you go on out to the pool with Heather and Michael, okay, sweety?" Courtney tells her son. The boy nods, then does as he's told, going over to the pool, but looking back at the three angry adults on the patio. "Christopher, it's okay," Courtney says.
"No, it's NOT okay. I want off him off this ranch and away from Jacob."
"I am Jacob's father. NOT you!" Chase says. "You seem to have a hard time understanding that, so let me explain it to you this way, Christopher. Jacob is MY son, and in a few days, I'm gonna get custody of him. He'll be leaving Dallas with me."
"I'll never let that happen!"
"You won't be able to stop it, because I'm gonna win this case!"
"Get off this property right now or I'll throw your ass off myself!" Christopher says.
"Stop it, both of you!" Courtney yells as Jacob, Michael, and Heather watch the heated confrontation from the pool.
"I'll see you both in court," Chase says. He starts to walk away.
"Gioberti!" Christopher calls to him. Chase turns back to face him. "You stay the hell away from Jacob and my wife," Christopher says. "Until the courts say otherwise, I don't want you anywhere near Jacob!"
"I'll remember this, Ewing," Chase says, then walks back to the taxi still waiting in the drive. Christopher and Courtney watch as the taxi drives away.
"Was that really necessary?" Courtney asks.
"What was he doing here? Why is he even in Dallas?"
"He said he came to see Jacob. To get to know him."
Christopher turns to his wife and looks at her. "I can't believe you let him see Jacob."
"I didn't exactly plan it!" Says an angry Courtney. "But Christopher, antagonizing Chase isn't going to help us win custody."
"And neither is letting him get close to Jacob, don't you SEE that?"
"STOP IT!" Jacob yells, walking over to them in tears. "Just stop it, please!"
"Jacob," Courtney says.
"I wish I'd never come here," the boy cries. "If I hadn't, you wouldn't be fighting all the time!" Jacob quickly runs into the house.
"Jacob, wait!" Christopher calls after him. He and Courtney exchange angry looks, then Christopher goes into the house.
Suddenly, Courtney is stricken by a sharp pain in her abdomen that causes her to give a soft cry as she clutches her stomach.
"Hey," Heather says, rushing over to her. "Courtney, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, Just a quick pain, but it's gone now."
"Here, come sit down," Heather says, helping her sister-in-law over to sit down at the table. "Honey, try and calm down. Last thing you and the baby need is all this stress right now."
Courtney nods in agreement as she begins to cry.
Justin's home....that evening....
Justin, Jimmy, James, Debra Lynn, and Ashley are finishing dinner at Justin's home that night. "Mmmm," James says. "Justin, Jimmy, that one one more good meal."
"It sure was," Debra Lynn agrees. "I never knew my son was such a good cook. You either, Justin."
"Well, being two bachelors, we've had to learn how to cook, Mom," Jimmy says. "Either that, or eat out all the time. Or starve."
"Justin, I'll bet Cally taught you most of what you know about cooking," says James. "Especially cornbread casserole. I still remember how good her cornbread casserole was after all these years."
Justin nods, and lowers his head as he continues eating without answering James's question.
"Well, since you guys did the cooking, Ashley and I will start clearing the table," says Debra Lynn. "Ashley?"
"Sure, Mom," Ashley says. "Then after we finish, I think I'm gonna go into Dallas and see Shawn. I'm really worried about him because of his brother being murdered like that."
A look of worry comes over Justin's face upon hearing mention of Tripp's murder. "Justin, everything okay?" James asks him.
"Yeah, just fine. Why wouldn't it be?" Justin asks.
"Well, I was just wonderin' what happened with you and Pamela, that's all."
"Yeah, I was kinda wondering the same thing, myself," says Jimmy. "Didn't expect you home tonight."
"Look, can't a guy come home to spend time with his family who's vistin'?" Justin snaps.
"You two have a fight?" James asks.
"Just a little disagreement's all," replies Justin.
"I imagine Pamela's pretty upset right now, what with her ex-husband's murder. Somethin' like that's bound to cause tension between the two of you."
"There's no tension between us. We're fine," Justin says, looking at his brother."
"Hey, I have an idea," Jimmy says. "You two guys up for a game of pool? I know I can beat Justin. I'd like to see if I can still beat my old man."
James smiles. "You're on, I'll take you both on and beat ya both."
"In your dreams, pops," Jimmy says with a smile.
"Hey I was a regular pool hustler in my day."
"Your day? Yeah but that like 30 years ago."
"Okay, son, why don't you put your money where your mouth is?" James asks.
"Anytime," Jimmy says, he and James getting up from the table. "Justin, you coming?"
Justin sighs. "Yeah. Sure. I need somethin' to keep my mind busy," he says, standing to his feet.
Meanwhile, outside, a car is parked on the road almost in front of Justin's house, it's lights off. Sitting inside the car, the mysterious figure of a woman is watching the house.......watching, and waiting....
In his apartment in Dallas, Clay Jamison walks into his living room with a bowl of popcorn, and as he is about to sit back and prop his feet up on the coffee table with his popcorn and a movie on TV, his doorbell rings. Clay sighs in frustration, not expecting anyone at this hour and not particularly wanting to see anyone, either. The doorbell rings a second time. Clay gets up from his comfortable seat on the sofa, goes to the door and opens it. A woman is standing in the hallway, a woman Clay seems surprised to see. "What.......what are you doing here?" He asks.
"Now what kind of a greeting is that?" The woman asks. "Aren't you gonna let me in?"
"Yes, of course. Come in."
The woman walks into the apartment and looks around. "Nice place."
"Thanks, now what are you doing here?" Clay asks.
"Well, after you called me, I just had to come."
"Don't you know this could ruin everything?"
"Don't worry, Clay," the woman says. "Everything is going to be just fine."
"Look, I've come too far and I've waited too long to get what I want. I'm gonna let you ruin it for me."
"NOTHING is going to be ruined. I know what I'm doing. Besides, with James
Beaumont in town........what better time to reveal who you really are to the Ewings than now, when all four of J.R.'s offspring are right here in Dallas," the woman
Clay looks at her with a worried expression, afraid this woman would blow his plans out of the water.
Calvary Hill Funeral Home....the next day....
A grief stricken Tracey McKay is standing at Tripp's casket the next day in the viewing room at Calvary Hill Funeral Home in Dallas, looking down at her nephew. A funeral director stands beside her. "Is everything to your liking, Ms. McKay?" He asks. "I've already spoken to your nephew's mother, and she told me that you would be handling all the arrangements?"
"Yes," Tracey says. "Tripp's mother, Sharon, is too broken up to function very well, so I offered to take care of everything for her."
"I understand."
"Mr. Sanders, could I have some time alone with my nephew?" Tracey asks.
"Yes, of course. I'll be in the office," Sanders says. He nods at her, then quietly leaves the room.
Left alone in the room with her nephew's body, Tracey begins to cry as she looks down at him. "Oh, Tripp," she says softly. "Even now, seeing you here like this, I can't believe that you're gone. Any minute, I feel like I'm gonna wake up, and this whole thing, these past couple of days, will be a horrible nightmare. I guess this is gonna take me a lifetime to get use to."
Meanwhile, Bobby walks into the front entrance of the funeral home. Looking around, he spots Tracey in a room at the end of a hallway. He pauses for a moment and watches her, then walks down the hall and into the viewing room containing Tripp's body. "Tracey?" He calls to her.
Tracey hesitates for a few seconds, then turns to face him. "Bobby. I'm surprised to see you here."
"I called your house and your maid said that you'd be here," says Bobby.
"I had to make the arrangements. Sharon is absolutely distraught, so she was in no condition to do it, so, somebody had to."
"Tracey, are you alright?"
"No, Bobby. I'm anything but alright. They're all gone, Bobby. My whole family is just.....gone. My father, my brother, and both of my brother's sons. I'm the last McKay. Obviously, my family's cursed."
"Come on, Tracey, your family isn't cursed," Bobby says.
"Then how else do you explain it?" Tracey asks. "My brother Tommy, and now both of his sons, all died so violently, and so young. There must be a reason."
"Look, Tracey, I know you don't wanna hear this, but, Tommy, Hunter, and Tripp.........all three of them lived in a way that contributed to their own deaths."
Tracey looks at him. "What are you saying? I know that Tommy's death was due to his own........his addiction, and his mental state, but are you saying that you think Hunter and Tripp deserved what happened to them?"
"No, of course not," Bobby replies. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply......"
"Bobby, please," Tracey says. "I know that you're trying to help, but, I'd really just like to be alone with my nephew now, so if you don't mind......."
"Of course. I'll go." Bobby walks over to his former girlfriend and kisses her on the forehead. "Tracey, I'm very sorry for your loss. And, if you need anything, you know how to get in touch with me."
Tracey nods. "Yes. Thank you." Bobby turns to leave. "Bobby?" Tracey says. He stops in the doorway and turns back to her. "If you'd care to know, the funeral will be day after tomorrow, at Highland Hills Baptist Church, at 2 o'clock."
"Alright, thank you," Bobby says. He flashes Tracey a slight smile, then leaves.
After Bobby is gone, Tracey returns to Tripp's casket and again looks down at her dead nephew. She begins to cry.
Dallas Athletic Club....early afternoon....
Sue Ellen and Alex are having lunch by the pool at the Dallas Athletic Club early in the afternoon, and a young male waiter is serving their food. "Thank you very much," Sue Ellen says.
"You're welcome, Mrs. Ewing. Alex," the boy says. "If there's anything else you need, just let me know."
"Thanks, Garrett," Alex says as the waiter walks away.
"This food looks delicious," says Sue Ellen. "And I am absolutely famished."
"Yeah, so am I. I slept in this morning, so I didn't have breakfast. Thanks for agreeing to have lunch with me today, Grandma."
"Oh, it's my pleasure. it's not every day that I get invited to lunch by my very handsome grandson. But, I kind of got the feeling that this lunch wasn't just because you wanted my company. You want to talk to me about something, don't you?" Sue Ellen asks.
Alex laughs. "Well, I DO want your company, but, you're right, there is something I wanted to talk to you about."
"I thought so. What can I do for you, sweetheart?"
The smile fades from Alex's face. He lowers his eyes for a moment, then looks back across the table at his grandmother. "I wanted to talk to you about Dylan. You've been visiting him at that rehab place, right? I mean, isn't that why John Ross is so upset with you?"
"Yes, I have. Alex, does my visiting Dylan and trying to help him bother you? Because if it does, then I......"
"No, no, Grandma," Alex says. "That's not it. I wanted to ask you how Dylan is doing. I've been thinkin' a lot about him ever since that day in court. You're an alcoholic, right?"
"Yes, I am," replies Sue Ellen.
"I'm tryin' to understand why Dylan did what he did that night. Why it happened. I thought maybe you could help me understand, since you're an alcoholic, and you've been visiting him and talking to him. John Ross is out for blood. He wants Dylan put away for a really long time, and Conner, too. But, I kinda think they've both suffered enough. I don't really know Dylan that well, but, Grandma, I've been really torn up about this. On one hand, John Ross is right. Dylan ran him down in his car three years and almost killed him. John Ross was left blind from that for a while. Then, Dylan gets behine the wheel of another car when he's wasted out of his mind, and he almost killed me and Bridget. On the other hand, in court that day, Dylan, he was so.........I felt so sorry for him."
"Alex, Dylan hasn't had an easy life at all," Sue Ellen says. "It nearly destroyed him when he found out that Jack Ewing was his real father, and that John Baxter had murdered Jack. That whole thing began Dylan's downward spiral."
"Grandma, I don't quite know how to ask you this," Alex says. "But, after what Dylan did to John Ross, your own son, and after what he did to can you keep goin' to visit him? How can you wanna help him? Doesn't part of you hate him for what he did?"
"No," Sue Ellen replies. "And I'll tell you why. Because I use to BE Dylan. Meaning I use to be just like him. Alex, have you ever heard about Mickey Trotter?"
"No. Who's that?"
"Mickey Trotter was a young man who once worked at Southfork, and he lived there. He was Ray's cousin, and for a while, he dated Lucy. One night, one terrible night, I was drinking very heavily and I got into an awful fight with J.R., your grandfather, and I grabbed J.R.'s car keys and ran out of the house. I got into his car to leave. I don't know where I was even going. Mickey and Lucy were on the patio, and in an attempt to try and stop me from driving when I'd been drinking, Mickey jumped into the car with me. We drove off. For some strange reason, I remembered to put my seat belt on,even as drunk as I was, but, Mickey didn't. As we turned out of the driveway at Southfork onto Braddock Road, another car came out of nowhere, and hit us. I ran off the road and we crashed. I came out of it with only minor bruises and cuts, but, poor Mickey........he was parlyzed from the neck down. He later went into a coma and.......and then he died. Now, actually, the accident wasn't my fault. The other car had deliberately rammed into us."
"Deliberately?" Alex asks. "Why?"
"It's a long story, but, the man who was driving that car had been double crossed in business by J.R. and he was out to get him back. But, technically, I was partly to blame. If I hadn't been drinking, Mickey and I wouldn't have been in that car, I've had to live with that for the past 35 years. If I hadn't been drinking, Mickey Trotter, this healthy, vibrant young man, might still be alive today. Dylan is feeling terrible guilt right now. Guilt that he'll live with for the rest of his life. Dylan is a good person, Alex. A good person who has had some terrible things happen to him in his short life. At least now he IS getting the help he needs for his drinking, and for his other problems."
Alex looks at his grandmother and nods, then lowers his head as he thinks about what she has just said.
Ewing Records....
Justin is sitting at his desk at Ewing Records, staring off into space, unable to concentrate on his work. His eyes fall on a framed photo of Pamela sitting on his desk. Reaching over, he picks the photo up and looks at it for a moment. His train of thought was interrupted by a knock at his door. "Come in," he says.
Jimmy walks into the office. "Hey," he says. "My Dad called. Wants to know if you and I wanna have lunch with him?"
"Yeah, I guess so," Justin says.
"Justin, what's going on with you? Last couple days you have been REALLY.........down, or upset. This about Tripp McKay's death?"
Justin looks at him. "Jimmy, why would you ask me that?"
"No reason. Just asked. I mean, I know you hated the guy. He was Pamela's ex-husband, and, now he's dead. This has to be rough on Pamela, and you, too."
"It's not rough on me at all," Justin says, standing to his feet, He walks over to his bar and pours himself a drink. "The guy's dead. He got what he deserved, case closed."
"Got what he deserved?" Jimmy asks. "Justin, you don't mean that."
"Yeah, Jimmy, I do. Tripp McKay was a pariah. He hurt people. Destroyed lives. Destroyed relationships. Only person who's gonna really mourn that guy was his mother, and even she might not."
"Justin, I do know how you feel."
"No, Jimmy, you don't."
"YES, I do. Have you forgotten what Katelyn Spencer did to me?" Jimmy asks. "Don't you think I've wanted to see that bitch pay for the hell she put me through? Man, I've wanted to see her dead. Justin, all I'm saying is, don't let anger and bitterness consume you. If you do that, the only person it's gonna hurt is you. McKay is dead and gone. He can't hurt Pamela or you, or anyone else you love anymore."
"Don't bet on it, man," Justin says. "McKay might be dead, but he's still causin' trouble. Still castin' a dark shadow over our lives."
Justin's secretary buzzes the office. "Justin, Pamela McKay is here."
Justin hesitates a few seconds before answering. "Okay. Send her in."
"I'll leave you two alone," says Jimmy. As he starts to leave, Pamela walks into the office.
"Hello, Jimmy," Pamela says.
"Hi, Pamela. I was just on my way out," Jimmy says, then quickly leaves.
"Justin," Pamela says. "We need to talk."
"You're right, we do."
"I'm sorry about yesterday. Justin, I never meant to imply that I thought you could've killed Tripp."
"No, I'm the one who's sorry," Justin says. "Pamela, I never should've walked out on you like I did."
"I really missed you last night, but, the time alone gave me a chance to do a lot of thinking. Justin. I don't want Tripp to continue to come between us now that he's gone."
Justin takes her by the hand. "He won't. Pamela, I love you. I don't want anything to come between us."
"I got a call from Tripp's Aunt Tracey," Pamela says. "Tripp's funeral will be Saturday at 2."
"I suppose you're goin'?"
"I have to," says Pamela. "Tripp is.... ....Tripp WAS Hunter's father. And he was my husband."
"I understand. You should be there, for Hunter."
"I wish that you could be with me, but, I know how you felt about Tripp."
"You felt the same about him," says Justin. "But I'm sorry, Pamela, I don't think I could bring myself to go to Tripp McKay's funeral and pretend to mourn I guy I hated."
"I know. Will you come to the apartment tonight after work? Or are you going back to the ranch?"
"I'll come to the apartment," Justin replies.
"Good. I'll see you this evening, then?"
"Yeah," Justin says, kissing her. "I love you."
"I love you, too," Pamela says, then she leaves the office.
Barbara Davis Hagman Center, Fort Worth....
Dylan is sitting in his room at the Hagman Center that afternoon reading a book when someone knocks on his door. "Come in," he says.
A young man of about 30 opens the door and peaks in. "Dylan, you have a visitor."
"A visitor? Who is it it?"
"I don't know. Why don't you come and find out?"
Dylan nods. "Tell them I'll be there in a couple minutes."
"Will do," the young man says.
Curious as to who his visitor is, Dylan stands to his feet, walks across the room to the mirror and looks at himself.
A couple of minutes later, a nervous Alex is sitting in the lobby waiting, when Dylan walks in. Surprised to see Alex there, Dylan pauses for a moment and looks at him before walking over to him. "Alex?" He says.
"Dylan, hey," Alex says, standing to his feet.
"Aside from John Ross, you're about the last person I expected to see here."
"Yeah, I'll bet," Alex says. "Is there somewhere we can go and talk? A visitor's room or something?"
"Yeah. There is. Down the hall," Dylan replies. The two young men leave the lobby and go down the hall and into the group therapy room. Dylan closes the door. "Sit down," he says. Alex takes a seat at the table, and Dylan sits down across from him. A few seconds of awkward silence follows, as neither knows exactly what to say to the other.
"Umm, how've you been, Dylan?" Alex asks.
"Well, I could be better. How about you?"
"I'm great."
"Alex, why'd you really come here?" Dylan asks. "I know it wasn't to engage in small talk."
"Well, you're partly right. I really did wanna see how you were doing. But that's not the only reason I'm here."
"What's the other?" Dylan asks.
Alex lets out a deep breath. "I........Dylan, I had so much I was gonna say to you. But now, I can't really remember any of it."
"I've done the same thing. I had rehearsed what I wanted to say to you several times. Over and over in my mind I thought about what to say, and how to say it, if I ever had the chance to see you face to face. I guess I never actually expected to, because now, I can't think of one word that I had planned to say. But, Alex, I guess what I really wanna say is......I'm sorry. I am SO sorry for the pain I caused you and Bridget, and everyone else. My life was spinning out of control, and that night, New Year's Eve, I hit rock bottom. There's a lot about that whole period I don't even remember. But that night, I almost killed two people......" Dylan stops talking and begins to cry. "And for that, I'll never forgive myself, so I know I can never ask you to forgive me. I remember that night, I wanted to die. I wish to God, I had."
"Dude, don't say that."
"Alex, like I said, I know you'll never be able to forgive me. But I do hope that you can accept my apology, and know that I'm doing my best to make things right. I really screwed things up for Conner, though. He lied and said that he was driving that night, but he was only trying to protect me. I screw up everything, and everyone I ever come in contact with. Maybe John Ross is right. Maybe I do belong in prison, where I can't hurt anyone again."
"You don't belong in prison, dude," Alex says. "Dylan.......I forgive you."
"You.........You what?"
"I said that I forgive you for the accident."
" forgive me?" Dylan asks, surprised.
"Dylan, I don't know if this will do any good, but, I'm gonna try to get John Ross to get your charges dropped, or at least reduced."
"Why would you do that for me?"
"Let's just say that I talked to someone, and they made me realize that you've suffered more than anybody in all of this. So, I don't wanna see you suffer anymore. After all, we ARE family."
"John Ross sure never thought of me as part of the Ewing family."
"Yeah, well I do."
"Alex, thank you," Dylan says in tears.
"Dude, if you really wanna thank me......then do good in your treatment here, Go to AA when you get out of here. Don't let this crap happen again. Get your life together, man."
"I will. I promise," Dylan says.
Alex reaches across the table and shakes Dylan's hand.
Jay and Jill's apartment....
Jill opens the door of her apartment to find Detective Steven Jones. "Jillian Smithfield?"
"Yes," Jill says.
"I'm Detective Steven Jones, Dallas PD."
"Yes, I know who you are. What can I do for you?"
"I need to ask you some questions about the murder of Tripp McKay. May I come in?"
"Sure," Jill says. She steps aside and lets the detective in, closing the door behind him. "May I offer you some coffee or anything?"
"No, thank you, I'm fine. If you don't mind, I'd like to get right down to my questions."
"Alright, fine," Jill says nervously. "Umm, what is it you would like to know?"
"Mrs. Smithfield, how well did you know Tripp McKay?" Steven asks.
"Pretty well, I guess you could say."
"You've known him for a number of years?"
"Yes. Our families had known one another for years......decades. Our grandfathers were friends, and my mother was also quite close to Tripp's grandfather, Carter McKay."
"So, you knew Mr. McKay when you were children?" Steven asks.
"Yes, sort of. We met as children, but I didn't really get to know him that well until years later, when we were adults."
"What was your relationship with Mr. McKay like?"
"Complicated, to say the least."
"Mrs. Smithfield, where were you on Tuesday evening, between the hours of 9 and 10 PM?"
"I was here, at home," Jill replies.
"With your husband?" Steven asks.
"No," replies a nervous Jill. "My husband and I have separated."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know. So you were home alone that night?"
"And no one saw you? Did you speak to anyone?"
"No," says Jill. "I just curled up on the couch and watched televison."
"Mrs. Smithfield, when did you last see Tripp McKay alive?" Steven asks.
"I'm not sure......."
"Was it just a few days before he was murdered?"
"Yes, I believe so."
"We have three witnesses, employees at Westar Oil, who have stated that you paid Mr. McKay a visit at his office a few days before the murder, and that the meeting between you wasn't very pleasant. You argued?"
"Yes, we argued."
"What about?" Steven asks.
"It was personal," Jill replies.
"Mrs. Smithfield......"
"Look, umm, I'm not under arrest or anything right now, am I?"
"No, of course you aren't."
"Then, I don't think I want to answer any more of your questions, Detective," Jill says. "Not without my attorney present."
Steven looks at the young woman, curious about what Jill was hiding.
A parking lot in Dallas....later....
Jill is sitting in her car in the parking lot of Detective Craig Anderson's apartment building an hour later. Craig's car pulls into the parking lot and comes to a stop beside hers. Jill gets out of her car and quickly gets into the passenger seat of Craig's car.
"Thanks for meeting me," she says.
"Okay, but why'd you wanna meet here, in the parking lot of my apartment building?" Craig asks.
"Craig, we have a problem. Your partner, Detective Jones, came to see me today. He asked me some questions about Tripp McKay, and about his murder."
"That's routine," Craig says. "We have to question any and everyone who knew, or had contact with McKay, especially in the days just before he was murdered. As long as you have nothing to hide....."
"That's just it," says Jill. "Craig, Detective Jones asked about a visit I paid to Tripp a few days before he died. There's something I haven't told you."
"What, Jill? If there's something you're holding back or something you know about McKay's death, then you have to tell me."
"Tripp knew about us," Jill says. "He found out about our affair."
"WHAT?" Asks a stunned Craig. "How?"
"He saw us in Warren Park one day, and he started following me. He saw me leaving your apartment several times, and the last day I was here, he was waiting for me."
"Is that why you told me you couldn't see me anymore?"
"Yes. Craig, I'm telling you this just in case.......knowing Tripp the way that I did, I wouldn't be surprised if he'd kept some kind of proof about our affair. Something tangible he could use if he had to. Craig, if anyone, especially your partner, finds out that you and I were having an affair, and that Tripp knew about could drag you into a very bad situation."
Craig sighs. "Damn right, it could, ESPECIALLY since I'm one of the detectives assigned to investigate McKay's murder. I take it you didn't tell Steven any of this?"
"God, Jill, why didn't you tell me any of this before?" Craig asks.
"I didn't think it would be an issue. I never thought Tripp would end up murdered. Then, afterward, I didn't think it would come out about my argument with him at his office just days before he was killed."
"Well, I don't know how I can continue on this case."
"Craig, you have to," Jill says. "That way, if there IS anything, you can....."
"Can WHAT, Jill? Tamper with evidence? No way."
"I didn't mean that, I just meant....."
"Jill, is there anything else you haven't told me? Anything I need to know that could potentially come out and embarrass me later?"
Jill looks at him. "No," she says, purposely failing to tell him about Tripp blackmailing her with their affair.
"Good. I need time to figure this all out, and figure out whether I need to stay on this case, or step down from it because of my personal involvement."
Southfork....that evening....
Lucas walks into the den at Southfork that evening, goes to the bar, and pours himself a drink. As he takes a sip, John Ross comes into the foyer. Seeing Lucas in the den, he stops in the doorway and watches his cousin for a moment as Lucas finishes off his drink, then pours himself another. John Ross walks into the room. "Goin' kinda heavy on the booze before dinner, aren't ya?" He asks, walking to the bar himself.
"That's none of your business," Lucas says.
"Hmmm, awful touchy these days, Lucas. I'd think you would be celebratin' findin' out that you have another son."
Lucas looks at him. "You know about that?"
John Ross smiles. "Lucas, you should know me well enough by now to know that nothin' goes on without me findin' out about it. Ann movin' out, you and Uncle Bobby both bein' so on edge lately. So, Emma Ryland gave birth to your child, and Ann knew about that all this time. Y'know, Lucas, somehow I can't help but feel like this is karma. You kept the fact that Alex was my son from me for months, and now....."
"John Ross, I'm gonna give you a warning. If you don't wanna spend this evening in the emergency room, you'll shut your mouth while you still can."
"Can't stand the truth, can ya, cousin?" John Ross continues to taunt with a smile, as Lucas tries to control his anger. "Well, how does it feel findin' out that you have a son that you were kept from knowin' about?" John Ross asks.
Unable to control himself any longer, Lucas quickly punches across the face, sending him crashing into a table and to the floor just as Christopher and Courtney walk into the room. "Hey, what the hell's goin' on in here?" Christopher asks, rushing over to Lucas.
"Your brother can't handle the truth," John Ross says, standing to his feet as he wipes blood from the corner of his mouth. "I was just makin' him see what a hypocrite he is."
Lucas starts toward John Ross again, but Christopher puts his hand on his brother's chest to hold him back. "Lucas, stop, it isn't worth it."
"I'll let ya have that one, Lucas," says John Ross. "But next time you lay a hand on me, I'll break it off."
"You think you're man enough, COME ON, THEN!!!" Lucas says.
"Anytime you wanna take this outside, we can," John Ross says.
"Fine, I'm ready!"
"Alright, STOP IT!" Christopher yells. "Look, I am in NO mood to play referee between you two jackasses. So if you wanna beat each others' brains out, then go right ahead, I don't give a damn anymore! But make sure you get as far away from this house as you can so the rest of us don't have to see it."
"Well, looks like I came home to yet ANOTHER pleasant evening at Southfork with my 'loving' family," Bobby says sarcastically as he walks into the room. "So what the hell's goin' on here now?"
"Nothing, Dad, everything's fine," Christopher replies.
"Sure didn't look that way to me. Or sound that way, either."
"Well, don't worry," says Lucas. "Heather, Michael, and I are going out to eat. Last thing I want is to sit down to dinner with HIM."
"There's a remedy for that," John Ross says. "You and your wife can just move off Southfork."
"Alright, THAT'S ENOUGH!" Bobby yells. "I have had ENOUGH of the fighting and the backstabbing and the lies and secrets in this house! In fact, I've had it with this whole DAMNED FAMILY!"
"Dad, you don't mean that," Christopher says.
"Oh, yes, I DO mean it! I use to think that one day this family might be able to live together and co-exist in peace, but I see that's never gonna happen. Right now I think the best thing I can do is just sell my half of Southfork and get the hell out of here once and for all."
"Alright, if that's what you want, then I'll buy it," John Ross says.
Bobby looks at his nephew. "Oh, no. I'm not gonna make it that easy for you. If I do sell, you'd be the last person on Earth I'd sell to."
"You can't be serious," John Ross says. "You would sell your half of this ranch to somebody outside of this fam'ly? You can't do that!"
"Try me!" Bobby says. He looks at his sons and his nephew, then turns and storms out of the room as Krystina and Heather watch from the bottom of the stairs. The two women exchange worried looks, then walk into the den.
"Nice going, guys," Krystina says.
"You heard that?" John Ross asks.
"Yeah, we heard everything," Heather replies. "From what Bobby just said, it looks like you childish little boys may have cost all of our children part of their heritage. As Krystina said......nice goin'."
Without saying another word to their husbands, Krystina and Heather walk out of the room and head back upstairs. John Ross, Christopher, and Lucas all exchange looks of worry among themselves.
Highland Hills Baptist Church....two days later....
On Saturday afternoon, crowds of mourners begin to gather at Highland Hills Baptist Church in Dallas for the funeral of Tripp McKay. Shawn walks into the church, where he is greeted by several family friends, or friends of Tripp's, who shake the young man's hand as he makes his way to the front of the church. He pauses for a moment, looking ahead to the church altar, where Tripp's open casket sits. After a few seconds, Shawn walks up to his
brother's casket and looks down at Tripp. A flood of mixed emotions begin rushing through Shawn, as well as memories. As Shawn is standing by his brother's casket, Alex, Bridget, and Ashley walk up to him. "Shawn," Alex says.
"Oh, hey, guys," Shawn says. "Ashley, thank you for coming."
Ashley smiles. "Of course, I was gonna be here, for you."
"Means a lot to have my friends here now."
"We're all here for you," Ashley says.
"Shawn, how are you holding up?" Bridget asks.
"I'm.......okay," Shawn replies. "This just doesn't seem real yet."
Meanwhile, Pamela walks into the church carrying little Hunter, followed by Afton. "Mom, would you take Hunter for me?" Pamela asks.
"Of course, darling."
Pamela hands the baby to her mother, then walks up to Mitch and Sharon, who are standing near the front of the
church. "Hi, Uncle Mitch," she says.
"Hi, Pamela, how are you, sweetheart?" Mitch asks, greeting his niece with a kiss on the cheek.
"I'm.......okay. Sharon, I'm so sorry about Tripp."
"Yeah, I'll just bet you are," Sharon says with a tone of bitterness in her voice.
"Sharon, what do you mean?"
"I know how you felt about my son. How you treated him. And now you have the nerve to show your face here and act like you're mourning his loss."
"Sharon, don't do this now," Mitch tells her.
"I'm sorry," Pamela says, then walks away from Mitch and Sharon. Making her way down the isle of the church, Pamela goes to Tripp's casket and looks down at his lifeless body. She struggles to hold back tears as she sees him laying there, her former husband, the father of her child, in this casket. Like Shawn, she is filled with emotions......
hate, anger, even love as she looks at a large photo of him sitting to the left of his casket. Unable to stand looking at him for long, Pamela walks away from the casket and takes a seat beside her mother in the congregation. Within a few minutes, the church has filled with people who have come to pay their last respects, or to privately celebrate Tripp's demise. Several members of the Ewing family are in attendance, including Bobby, John Ross, Krystina, Christopher, Courtney, Lucy, and Jill.
Jeremy Wendell walks into the church and, amid stares and whispers from those looking on, walks to the front of the church and looks at Tripp in the casket. Angered by her father's presence, Sharon walks over to Jeremy, followed by Mitch and Shawn. "What are you doing here?" Sharon asks him.
"Tripp was my grandson," replies Jeremy. "I have every right to attend his funeral."
"This is all YOUR fault!" Sharon yells. "I don't want you here! I DON'T WANT YOU HERE!"
"Mom, calm down," Shawn tells his mother.
"Sharon, let's go take our seats," says Mitch.
At that moment, the funeral director approaches them. "Mrs. Smith," the man says. "We're almost ready to begin. We'll be closing your son's casket now."
"Yes," Sharon says. She gives her father one last, angry look, then allows herself to be helped to her seat by Mitch and Shawn, each of whom take one of the grief-stricken mother's hands. Jeremy turns and walks into the congregation, where he finds himself a seat. The funeral director and an assistant close Tripp's casket, then step
away. For several seconds, as they wait for the minister to begin the service, members of the congregation look ahead at Tripp's casket and photo beside it. Meanwhile, Ann walks into the church and finds an empty seat on the back row.
The minister steps to the front of the church and walks onto a podium behind the casket to begin the service: "As we gather here in this place today, on this beautiful Saturday, we come to pay our final respects and mourn the passing of Thomas McKay, Jr., known to everyone as Tripp. As I was talking to Tripp's mother, Sharon, about her son, she shared with me how Tripp happened to come by that unusual nickname. Sharon said that when Tripp and his twin brother, Hunter, who were about as different as night and day, were just learning to walk, Hunter had no problem at all, and he was off and RUNNING before he was a year old, but Thomas, Jr., well, he was a different story. She said that he was always tripping over things, usually over his own feet, and falling. So, she started calling him 'Trippy' and it later got shortened to 'Tripp' and the name stuck and would remain with him for the rest
of his life. Tripp McKay was a very complicated young man, to say the least. He stirred many emotions in many people, some good, and some not so good. He was a business man. An executive who headed one of the largest oil companies in the world, Westar, a position once held by both of his grandfathers. Tripp was very ambitious, and some would even say ruthless. But above all, let's remember not what Tripp was in business, but what he was in his personal life. Born on Christmas Eve in 1986, he was a twin. He and his brother Hunter were the sons of Thomas McKay and Sharon Edwards, and grandsons of Carter McKay. Whatever he was in his business life, in his personal and private life, Tripp McKay was a son, a husband, a brother, a nephew, a grandson, a friend, and, most importantly, the role he loved and cherished the most, Tripp was a father to a little boy who, sadly, like himself, will now grow up deprived of the love and presence of his
father." As the minister continues to speak, Tripp's mother Sharon, a stoic, expressionless look on her face, sits on the second row of pews from the front of the church, with Shawn, Tracey, and Mitch at her side. Throughout the rest of the church, other attendees, including Pamela, Afton, and members of the Ewing family, look on and listen
as the minister recounts details of the 31 years of Tripp McKay's life, most of them, the ones who knew Tripp and whose lives were affected by him, feeling a variety of emotions....
Meanwhile, at Southfork, Jacob quietly comes down the stairs comes down the stairs, walks through the foyer and then peaks into the kitchen, where Michael is sitting at the kitchen table, and Maria is placing a plate full of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies in front of him. Being as quiet as possible, Jacob slips back into the foyer, where he exits the house through the front door, closing the door slowly and quietly so as not to make any noise and alert
Maria or Michael. A few minutes later, Jacob takes his bike and pushes it out to the tree-lined driveway. Getting on the bike, the boy rides all the way down the driveway. Coming to the front gate, Jacob looks for oncoming traffic, then turns his bike left onto Braddock Road and begins pedaling as fast as he can toward Dallas.
The Omni Hotel....later....
Less than an hour later, Chase Gioberti answers a knock at the door of his hotel suite at the Omni. Opening the door, Chase is shocked to see Jacob in the hallway. "Jacob?"
"Mr. Gioberti, can I come in?" The boy asks.
"Yes, of course you can," Chase replies, and the boy walks into the suite. "Jacob, where are your mother and Christopher?"
"They're at a funeral."
"How in the world did you get here?"
"I started off on my bike, then some lady gave me a ride," Jacob says.
"You.....oh my God, you hitched a ride all the way here from Southfork?"
"Jacob, you should never, EVER get in a car with a stranger, I don't care how nice they seem."
"But I had to see you, Mr. Gioberti."
Chase sighs. "Okay, look, would you stop calling me 'Mr. Gioberti'? You can call me Chase."
"Okay......Chase," Jacob says. "I wanted to talk to you."
"What about?"
"You want me to come live with you in California, don't you? That's why you're trying to take me away from Christopher and my mom?"
"Well, Jacob, yes, I would very much like for you to come and live with me."
"If I agree to come with you, would Christopher and Courtney not have to go to court?" Jacob asks.
"If they would let you live with me, then, no, they wouldn't have to go to court."
"Okay, then I'll come."
"Jacob, you're saying you want to live with me in California?" Chase asks.
"I just want everyone to stop being so unhappy because of me."
Chase looks at the boy, his heart going out to him. "Oh, Jacob, listen to me.......NO ONE is unhappy because of you."
"Yes they are. Everyone's always fighting, and it's because of me."
Chases reaches over and lovingly touches the boy's face. "Jacob, that's only because we all love you so much. I'll bet you're hungry, huh?"
Chase smiles. "Okay, why don't I order us up some food from room service, and then we can talk some more, okay?"
"Sure," the boy says with a nod.
"Good. I'll be right back."
Jacob watches as Chase walks over to the phone, picks it up, and calls room service.
Justin's ranch....
Meanwhile, Justin is working on his ranch that afternoon when a car pulls into the driveway and comes to a stop. It is a car James had rented while he and his family are in town visiting. James, Debra Lynn, and Jimmy get out of the car. As Debra Lynn goes into the house carrying two shopping bags, James and Jimmy walk out to where Justin is working on digging a hole for a new fence.
"I didn't know you were gonna do this today," Jimmy says. "Or I'd have stayed here and helped instead of going into town with Mom and Dad."
"No, it's fine," says Justin. "Your parents are leavin' tomorrow, so you needed to spend some time with 'em. I needed to keep busy, anyway."
"It bother you that Pamela went to her ex-husband's funeral?" James asks.
"No, of course not. I know she had to be there for her son's sake."
"Jimmy filled us in a little on the crap McKay has done to you and Pamela," James says. "I thought that guy's grandfather was rotten, but sounds like Tripp made ol' Carter McKay look almost like a nice guy."
"Yeah, he was a real piece of.......somethin'. And I know I shouldn't talk that way about the dead."
James smiles. "Hey, I think you're entitled after everything that guy put you and Pamela through. Listen, little brother, if you ever need to talk........I'm here. Remember that."
"Thanks, James, I appreciate that."
"Yeah, no problem, what are big brothers for? Hey, I'm gonna and change, and come back and help you with this."
"That's okay, you don't have to do that. You're visiting, remember?"
"I insist," James says. He smiles again, then turns and heads to the house.
Jimmy watches his father as James goes back to the house, then turns to his uncle. "Justin, are you okay? I mean are you REALLY okay? I know you better than just about anybody, and I can tell somethin's weighin' real heavy on your mind. You wanna talk about it?"
Justin runs his hands through his dark blonde hair as he lets out a deep sigh. "I'm worried, Jimmy. Real worried."
"Worried about what? Pamela?"
"Yeah. And about this whole mess with McKay's murder," Justin replies, looking at him. "I got a feelin' this is gonna cause more trouble for me and Pamela. Damn Tripp McKay. The guy's dead and he's still controllin' our lives from the grave."
Meanwhile, as Justin and Jimmy talk, they are unaware that a car is sitting less than a quarter of a mile up the road from the ranch, the same car that had been sitting there a few nights earlier. Inside that car is a blonde woman wearing dark glasses, a scarf wrapped around her head. After a moment of watching the two young men, the woman picks up a pair of binoculars to get a closer look at them, and at the house. She watches through the binoculars as James comes out of the house to join his son and brother. The woman nods her head.
Bobby, Christopher, Courtney, John Ross, Krystina, and Lucy walk into the foyer at Southfork after returning home from Tripp's funeral late in the afternoon. "Well, I'm gonna go up and get outta these clothes," Lucy says.
Just then, Heather comes into the foyer from the den. "Thank God you're all home," she says.
"Heather, what's wrong?" Bobby asks.
"Christopher, Courtney, I don't wanna upset you, but, Jacob is gone."
"What?" Courtney asks.
"Wait, what do you mean he's gone?" Christopher asks.
"His bike is gone. We've looked everywhere around, and he's nowhere to be found. Lucas and Michael are out lookin' for him now, and we have several of the ranch hands out lookin'."
"Oh my God," Courtney cries.
"Maybe we'd all better go out and look," says Krystina.
"That's a good idea," Bobby says. "If he left on his bike, he couldn't have gotten far."
"I'll go up and change real fast," says John Ross, hurrying up the stairs.
Christopher puts his arms around Courtney. "Honey, don't worry, we'll find him," he says in an attempt to comfort her.
Dallas Police Department....
Detectives Steven Jones and Craig Anderson walk into the office they share at the Dallas Police Department that afternoon, returning from Tripp's funeral. "Well, that was quiet a funeral, wasn't it?" Steven asks, pouring himself a cup of coffee.
"Yeah it was,"
"Several of our suspects were right there to pay their last respects. Let's see, we had Bobby Ewing, who was heard threatening McKay in public; John Ross Ewing, whose hatred for McKay is legendary; McKay's ex-wife Pamela, who he was about to sue for sole custody of their child; McKay's kid brother, Shawn Smith, who, according to McKay's former secretary, had a heated confrontation with his brother before the murder."
"And the former secretary was there, too," says Craig.
"Yeah, and so was McKay's ex-lover, Jill Smithfield. Didn't you tell me you went to high school with her?"
"Uh, yeah, I did."
"So what do you think?" Steven asks. "You think Jill Smithfield is capable of cold blooded murder? And this murder definitely WAS cold-blooded. McKay had been bludgeoned at least two, maybe three times with a weapon the medical examiner thinks was a tire iron. So who could've done it? The ex-wife? The ex-lover? The ex-secretary? The teenage brother? Or one of the Ewings?"
"From everything I've heard it could've been anyone," Craig says. "The guy had more enemies than President Trump."
"Yeah, he did. And one of those enemies hated McKay enough to kill him. And we have to find out which one hated him that much, and who had the best motive," Steven says.
Back at Southfork, Bobby, Christopher, Courtney, John Ross, Heather, Lucy, and Krystina come out of the house and onto the patio. "Alright, I already called the Sheriff," Bobby says. "We'll split up and each take a different section of the ranch. Don't worry, we'll find Jacob."
"I'm going with you," Courtney says.
"No, honey, you stay here with Maria," Christopher tells his wife. "You need to be here in case Jacob comes back."
"Christopher, I'm so scared," Courtney cries.
"We'll FIND him, and he's gonna be okay, understand."
"We better get goin'," John Ross says. "If Jacob is on the ranch we got an AWFUL lot of open land to search out there, and it'll be gettin' dark in a couple hours."
"John Ross is right, we don't have any time to lose," Bobby says.
"Try not to worry," Christopher tells Courtney. "It's not good for the baby."
"Let's go," Bobby says. The group walks out to the parking area, where a Southfork truck and two ATVs are waiting. "I'll take Two Stick Pasture," Bobby says. "John Ross, you and Krystina take sections 20 and 30. Christopher, you and Heather check out Big Horn Country."
"Lucas and Michael have already searched there, and no sign of him," says Heather.
"Okay, then take sections 15 and 12. Lucy, you come with me."
"Sure thing, Bobby," Lucy says. As the group is about to load up to leave, a car pulls up to Southfork and comes to a stop. Chase is driving the car. He and Jacob get out, and the Ewings are relieved to see that Jacob is safe. Christopher and Courtney run out to meet the boy.
"Jacob, THANK GOD!" Courtney says, grabbing her son and embracing him.
"Jacob, are you alright?" Christopher.
"Yeah," the boy replies.
"We were worried sick about you."
"He's fine," Chase says, walking over to them.
"YOU'RE behind this?!" Asks an angry Christopher. "What the hell did you do, Gioberti, come to Southfork and kidnap Jacob? I'll have your ass arrested!"
"You're crazy, Ewing, I didn't kidnap anyone!"
"You lying bastard!"
"Jacob came to ME!"
"You expect me to believe that?"
"Christopher, it's true," Jacob says in tears. "Please, just stop!"
"The three of us need to talk," Chase says.
"I have nothing to say to you."
"Christopher, please," Courtney says. "Let's just hear what he has to say."
"Look, why don't you all go in the den and talk?" Bobby asks. "CALMLY."
Christopher and Chase glare at each other angrily. A couple of minutes later, Christopher, Courtney, and Chase walk into the den. "Gioberti, the only thing I wanna hear from you is that you're dropping this ridiculous custody case and goin' back to California."
"There's nothing ridiculous about me wanting custody of my son," Chase says. "But there IS a way that we can avoid going to court."
"How, Chase?" Courtney asks.
"Do you know why Jacob came to see me? That little boy was gonna ride his bicycle all the way to Dallas to talk to me about this, but then some stranger gave him a ride."
"What?" Courtney asks. "Oh my God, Jacob got into a car with a stranger?"
"Yes, he did. Because he wanted to put an end to all this fighting. He said he's tired of seeing everyone at each others' throats, and so unhappy all the time. He said that he wants to come and live with me in California."
Both Courtney's and Christopher's mouths fall open in shock. "He what?" Courtney asks.
"You're lying!" Says an angry Christopher.
"If you don't believe me, ask him," says Chase. "Look, I didn't want things to go this far, either, but the two of you left me no choice. You didn't want me to see Jacob, you didn't even want me to meet him. You'd rather me just go away, well, I've got news for BOTH of you.....that's NOT gonna happen, because Jacob is my son, NOT yours, Christopher, and I am gonna have a relationship with him whether the two of you like it or not."
"You will get custody of that child over MY dead body, Gioberti!" Christopher yells.
"If that's what it takes, then fine! Jacob has already said that he wants to come and live with me, and after the crap you two have pulled, keeping my son's existence from me all those years, and then practically demanding that I give up my parental rights so that you could adopt judge would award custody of Jacob to you after that!"
"YOU'RE NEVER GONNA GET CUSTODY OF JACOB!" YOU DON'T HAVE ANY CLAIM ON HIM! YOU'RE NOT EVEN HIS REAL FATHER, YOUR BROTHER IS!!" Christopher yells, much to Courtney's shock, as well as his own.
"Christopher, no," Courtney cries.
"Not only are you a liar, but you're SICK!" Chase says. "You would do ANYTHING to keep me from getting custody of Jacob, including coming up with a sick and twisted lie like that!"
"It's not a lie!"
"STOP IT! BOTH OF YOU, STOP IT!" Courtney screams. She then looks toward the doorway and sees Bobby standing in the doorway with Jacob, who is in tears after having heard the fight, and the truth of his true paternity. "Oh my God, Jacob," she cries.
The boy turns and runs up the stairs.
"JACOB!" Courtney yells as she starts to go after him.
Christopher grabs his wife by the arm. "Courtney, let me go."
"No," she says, pulling away from his grasp. "You just stay away from my son, BOTH OF YOU! BOTH OF YOU GO TO HELL!" Now in tears herself, Courtney turns, runs out of the den past Bobby and up the stairs after her son, As the argument between Christopher and Chase continues in the den, Courtney stops near the top of the stairs, suddenly gripped by a terrible pain in her abdomen. She moans out in pain, then, losing her balance, she falls backwards, tumbling all the way down the stairs, landing on her stomach in the foyer.
"COURTNEY!" Christopher yells, seeing his wife fall from the den. He runs into the foyer and kneels beside her, followed by Bobby and Chase. "Courtney?" Christopher gently rolls his wife over as Lucy, Krystina, and Heather rush into the foyer. Courtney is unconscious.
"Oh my God, what happened?" Lucy asks.
"She fell," Bobby replies. "Call 911. HURRY!"
Kystina immediately picks up the phone and dials 911 as Christopher cradles his wife in his arms.
Justin's ranch....
James, Justin, and Jimmy walk into Justin's house late in the afternoon, all three men drenched in sweat from working in the hot sun. Debra Lynn comes down the stairs. "Oh, my," she says. "The three of you look terrible."
"Yeah," James says. "Pretty hot out there. I'm gonna go take a shower, so we can get ready to go into town and have dinner."
"Yeah, I'd better do the same," says Justin. "I promised Pamela I'd be over this evening."
"Why don't you and Pamela come have dinner with us?" Debra Lynn asks.
"Thanks, but, after McKay's funeral today, I doubt Pamela's gonna feel much like bein' around anyone tonight."
"Why don't you asks her and see?" James asks. "Might do her good to get out and have a family dinner. Besides, Debra Lynn and I are leaving town tomorrow, and we'd like to spend some time with you, and get to know Pamela a little better."
"Alright, I'll call her when I get out of the shower," Justin says as Ashley walks into the house.
"Hi, everyone."
"Hi, sweetheart," Debra Lynn says. "How's Shawn?"
"I guess he's holding up as well as anyone can expect. It's been a rough day for him. He just lost his father a couple years ago, and now his older brother."
"I'm gonna get that shower," James says. As he's about to head up the stairs, his cell phone rings. Taking it out of his pocket, he looks at it. "It's John Ross," he says, and quickly answers the call. "Hey, John Ross, what's up?"
Meanwhile, as an ambulance speeds away from Southfork carrying Courtney, its siren blaring loudly, John Ross is in the living room. "Hey, listen, James, I'm afraid you can't count on me and Krystina for dinner tonight," he says. "Courtney just took a fall down the stairs, and an ambulance just left takin' her to the hospital. Krystina wants to head on over there and see how she's doin', and we might be awhile. No, y'all go on ahead. But, why don't you stop by the ranch later tonight. We should be home by 8:30 or 9 at least. Alright, I'll see ya then." John Ross ends the call and puts his phone away, Krystina standing beside him. "You ready to head to the hospital?"
"Yeah. We should probably call Alex and tell him what's happening in case he comes home and no one's here."
"I'll call him in the car. Let's go," John Ross says as he and Krystina rush out.
Justin's ranch....
James puts his cell phone down on the table beside Justin's stairs. "Dad, what's wrong?" Jimmy asks his father.
"Courtney fell down the stairs at Southfork. They're taking her to the hospital now."
"Oh, Lord," says Debra Lynn.
"Is she hurt bad?" Ashley asks. "What about the baby?"
"I don't know. I told John Ross we'd drop over at Southfork later tonight. I guess we'll find out then. Well, I'm gonna go get that shower so we can go eat." James heads up the stairs.
"Good God, what next?" Justin asks.
Braddock Medical Center....later....
A little more than an hour later, Lucas walks into the emergency department at Braddock Medical Center. Spotting Bobby in a waiting room down the hall, the two rush into the room, where Bobby, Christopher, John Ross, Krystina, and Chase are waiting for word on Courtney and the baby.
"I got here as fast as I could," Lucas says. "Any word yet?"
"None yet," replies Bobby.
"How's Jacob?" Christopher asks.
"He was pretty shaken up," Lucas says. "But, Heather's with him. She's not gonna leave him. And we didn't tell him that Courtney fell. Only that she wasn't feeling well."
"Good, thanks."
"Christopher,is there anything that you need? Anything I can get for you, or anyone?"
"No, thanks, I'm fine," Christopher says.
An awkward silence follows. A moment later, a female doctor comes down the hall and walks into the room. "Excuse me, Christopher Ewing?" She asks.
Christopher stands to his feet. "I'm Christopher Ewing. How's my wife?"
"Courtney has a few minor bruises, and she had some bleeding but, over all, your wife will be fine."
"And.....the baby?"
The doctor hesitates for a moment as she looks at him. "I'm very sorry, Mr. Ewing. But Courtney lost the baby. There was just too much trauma to the fetus."
"Oh my God," says an upset Bobby.
Christopher immediately breaks down in tears. He walks over and takes a seat as the others look on. Bobby walks over and places a comforting hand on his son's shoulder as Christopher continues to cry for his lost child. Across the room, Chase leans against the wall and also begins to cry, grieving over his own part in Christopher and Courtney's tragedy.
Clay Jamison's apartment....later....
Clay walks into his apartment later that evening carrying a bag of groceries. "I'm back," he says. He walks to the kitchen table and puts
the bag of groceries down. "Hey, where are you?" Clay asks. When no reply comes, Clay walks back to the adjoining living room and slips off his shirt. "You in the bathroom
or the guest room? I hope you're hungry. I bought groceries. I thought I'd fry us up some Tilapia for dinner tonight. Got some potatoes,
too, so you can make some of your famous potatoes au gratin to go with the fish. Hey! Are you even here?" When no reply comes again, Clay sighs deeply. "Damn it," he says. "Now where the hell can she be? If you ruin everything for me, I swear.........we're gonna have a MAJOR problem."
Jeremy Wendell's penthouse....
Jeremy Wendell walks into the foyer of his penthouse and answers his ringing doorbell, opening the door to find Austin Wentworth. "Hello, Austin," Jeremy says.
"Hello," says the bewildered young man. "Jeremy Wendell?"
"Yes, that's right, I'm Jeremy Wendell. Please, come in."
Austin walks into the apartment and looks around as Jeremy closes the door.
"May I offer you a drink or something to eat?" Jeremy asks.
"No, thank you, Mr. Wendell. I would, however, like an explanation. Why did you call me and ask me to come over here?"
"I asked him to invite you here," Katherine says from behind her son.
Stunned to hear his mother's voice, Austin turns around to see Katherine standing before him, the first time he's seen his mother in almost a year. "Mom? Oh my God.......Mom?"
"Hello, darling," Katherine says with a smile.
Austin rushes to his mother and embraces her. "Mom, where've you been all this time?"
"It's a long story." Katherine looks at her son and touches his face. "I was so worried about you and so relieved to find out that you were alright. What an ordeal you must have gone through. And your brother......he's still missing."
"Yeah, he is. Every night I sleep with one eye open, afraid Brian is gonna come back."
"I highly doubt that your brother would come back here," Jeremy says. "Especially now. My guess is, he's out of the country by now."
"How did the two of you get mixed up together?" Austin asks.
"Another long story," replies Katherine. "I'll explain everything over drinks. I just had to see you and to know that you're safe and alright."
"I'm safe, but I'm not alright, Mom," Austin says. "Your oldest son stole Wentworth right out from under me while I was gone. I've been trying for the past couple of months to get the board to call a special meeting, but, no one is on my side. They're all behind Jonathon because I still have charges hanging over my head that I helped Brian escape. But I'm determined to get back the company that YOU gave me."
"And I have no doubt that you would, darling. But what would make me really happy would be if you and Jonathon could work together to run Wentworth Industries."
"Mom, that's never gonna happen. I will NEVER work with him. But we can talk about that later. Right now, I wanna fill you in on everything that happened to me, and I wanna know what's been happening with you all this time since that night Brian kidnapped me. Mom, what about Katelyn? Where is she?"
"Your sister is missing," Katherine replies.
"Yes. Jeremy had arranged for Katie to be placed, under an assumed name, in a mental facility outside of New Orleans. It was supposed to be one of the best in the south. But she escaped from there, and, she was last seen headed back toward Dallas."
"What? Katelyn could be headed here, to Dallas?" Austin asks. "Or.......maybe she's already here?"
Justin's ranch....later....
James pulls his rental car into the driveway of Justin's ranch house that night and comes to a stop. Jimmy gets out of the car.
"You sure you won't come with us over to Southfork?" James asks his son. "We won't be over there long?"
"No, thanks, Dad. I'm pretty beat. I'm just gonna go upstairs to my room, crawl into bed, and probably watch a little Netflix for a while and then fall asleep."
"Okay, we'll be back soon," James says, as he, Debra Lynn, and Ashley drive off. Jimmy watches his family as they drive away, then he walks onto the front porch of the house, pausing for a few seconds as he listens to the eerie silence of the night, the only audible sound being that of a few crickets. The night is almost TOO quiet, ominously
quiet, he thinks to himself. Jimmy is unaware that he is being watched from the bushes by a mysterious, hooded figure. For a moment, as he stands on the porch and looks out into the darkness, Jimmy has a strange feeling that someone is watching him. But he shrugs it off as paranoia from being here on this isolated ranch, alone, at night.
After about 30 seconds, Jimmy unlocks the front door and goes into the house. As he switches on the light in the living room, he is shocked by what he sees. The entire living room has been ransacked. Obviously, Justin's house has been broken into. Slowly, Jimmy turns and starts to leave, realizing he needs to get out of the house and call the police.
As he is about to exit the house, the shadowy figure who had been watching him suddenly appears at the door and points a gun at him. "Hello, Jimmy," a woman's voice says.
The hooded woman walks into the house and closes the door behind her. Only then does Jimmy see her face, and to his absolute horror, he sees Katelyn Spencer standing in front of him, wearing a hoodie and a blonde wig, pointing a revolver directly at his chest. "Oh dear God.....Katelyn?"
"Yes, Jimmy. It's me. Did you miss me? I sure did miss you," Katelyn says, walking closer to him. "But now, we don't have to miss one another, we are.....together again." Katelyn removes her hood and her blonde wig, dropping the wig to the floor.
"What are you doing here? What are you gonna do to me?" Jimmy asks.
"I just came to see you. Because I missed you so much and I couldn't live without you anymore. I've thought about you every single day since we've been apart."
"Where have you been all this time?" Jimmy asks, his heart pounding with fear.
"My mother and that man had me put away in a hospital. As if I needed to be in a hospital. At least not THAT kind of a hospital."
"Katelyn, look, just leave now. Before you get in this too deep. The police are still looking for you, but if you leave now, I won't tell anyone that you were here."
"Why should I care if anyone knows I'm here?" Katelyn asks, as if she doesn't comprehend her dire legal situation. She smiles. "Jimmy, you haven't even asked me about the baby."
"Yes. OUR baby," Katelyn says. "We have a little boy. James Richard Beaumont III. He's a couple of months old."
"Katelyn, you're either lying or delusional," says Jimmy. "There is no baby."
"Oh, yes there is, Jimmy. You forget, we did have sex that one time, and, well, once is all it takes to get pregnant."
"You drugged and RAPED me!"
"Well, I guess, technically, that's true, but, the drugs I gave you made sure that you,, now we have a baby. Your folks are probably gonna be so happy about that. Jimmy, I wanna meet them."
"What?" Jimmy asks, astonished by this girl's complete withdrawal from reality.
"Your family, I wanna meet them. I've been watching you all for days, so I know your parents and your sister are here. I was waiting to meet them when you all got home, but then they left again," Katelyn says, her smile disappearing. "I heard them say they were going over to Southfork. Why don't you and I take a drive over there now and tell your family the good news."
"No. They'll.......they'll be back here soon enough," Jimmy nervously says, trying to humor Katelyn in order to stay in her good graces.
"But I don't wanna wait. So let's go. You'll drive."
"No. I'm not goin' anywhere with you."
A look of anger comes over the young woman's face. "Okay, now, Jimmy, you're making me angry, and that's really not a good thing. I'm gonna give you a choice. There are six bullets in this gun. There are four of you in your family, well, five if you count your baby sister, but obviously she isn't here, so there's enough bullets in here for me to kill you, your parents, and your sister as soon as they walk through that door. So do you take me to Southfork to meet them now.......or do walk in THAT front door and find your brains all over this room, before I blow their heads off?"
"Alright.....okay." Jimmy says, now shaking in terror. "We'll go. Just.....don't hurt me, and for God's sake, don't hurt my family."
The smile returns to Katelyn's face. "Good. And don't worry. You don't give me a reason to hurt anyone, and no one gets hurt. Give me a reason and.....EVERYONE gets hurt. Now let's go meet the family."
Jimmy looks at her, this deranged, psychotic young woman who had caused him so much pain in the past, a woman he thought, or at least hoped, he had seen the last of.
Meanwhile, John Ross, Krystina, James, Debra Lynn, Ashley, and Alex walk onto the patio at Southfork that night. "Wow, it sure is a shame about Courtney losing the baby like that," James says as the group comes onto the patio.
"It sure is," says Krystina. "I feel so bad for her. For BOTH of them. She and Christopher wanted that baby so badly."
"Well, at least the doctor did say that there's no reason she and Christopher can't have more children," John Ross says.
"But I'm sure nothing could ever replace the child they lost," Debra Lynn says.
Meanwhile, Alex and Ashley are walking by the pool and chatting. "I'm really glad that you're gonna be staying in Dallas," Alex says to her. "I know Shawn's glad, too. He's gonna need all the friends he can get right now."
"I really care about Shawn. Alex, I'm also glad that you and I can........well, that we don't have to be so awkward around each other anymore. I hated that."
"Yeah, I hated it, too," Alex says with a smile. "Maybe now that we've sorted out the past, we can be friends. Maybe even........real cousins."
Ashley smiles. "I would like that."
"So how do you like your new apartment?" Alex asks.
"I love it. Jimmy wanted me to stay at Justin's house with him, since Justin practically lives at Pamela's apartment now, and Jimmy's gonna be at the ranch alone most of the time, but, I wanted a place closer to campus."
"Makes sense."
"Ashley, honey, come on," Debra Lynn calls to her daughter. "We're almost ready to go."
"Be right there, Mom."
Just then, Jimmy's truck pulls into Southfork and comes to a stop behind James's car. "James, it's Jimmy," Debra Lynn tells her husband.
"What in the world's he doin' here?" James wonders.
"I dunno, something must be wrong."
Slowly, Jimmy gets out of the truck, followed by Katelyn. "Jimmy, what are you doing here?" James asks, walking over to them. "I thought you said you were goin' to bed. And who's this?"
"Hello Mr. Beaumont, Mrs. Beaumont. I've wanted to meet you for so long. I'm Katelyn. Katelyn Spencer."
"Katelyn Spencer?" James asks in shock.
"Oh God," Debra Lynn gasps.
"She was waiting for me when I walked in the house," Jimmy says, his voice shaking.
"Hey, what's goin' on?" John Ross asks, he and Krystina walking over. "Who the hell are you?"
"John Ross, it's Katelyn Spencer." James says.
"Kate.......Katherine Wentworth's daughter?"
"That's right," Katelyn replies, now showing her gun to the frightened group. "I wanted to meet Jimmy's family. The family of the man I love."
"The man that I plan to spend my life with from now on, and I want Jimmy's family present at our union," Katelyn says as Alex and Ashley walk over from the pool and look on.
Debra Lynn begins to cry. "Look, PLEASE, don't hurt my son. Just let him go."
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Beaumont, but I can't do that. You see, your son and I are destined to be together, and I now know that can't ever happen as long as we're on this Earth. So Jimmy and I are gonna have to be together in eternity, and you all are going to attend our eternal joining together. Our crossing over."
"Katelyn, put the gun down," James says. "Look, right now, you haven't killed anyone. I can help you. Just give me the gun, and everything will be okay."
"Katie, listen to him," says a terrified Jimmy. "If you kill me, then what will happen to the baby then? Do you want our son to be an orphan?"
"No, Jimmy, I don't. But this is the only way." Katelyn slowly raises the gun to Jimmy's head.
"NOOOOO!!!!!!!!" James yells out as he runs toward Katelyn in an attempt to grab the gun. Katelyn is distracted long enough for Jimmy to push her hand away from him. As he moves out of the way, James grabs Katelyn's gun hand, and tries to wrestle the gun from her. Jimmy falls to the ground.
Suddenly, the ear-splitting sound of a single gunshot is heard as the revolver goes off. Debra Lynn screams in horror as James falls to the ground, a bullet wound in his abdomen! Stunned by what has happened, Katelyn looks down at James, who falls in front of her. Jimmy quickly gets to his feet and grabs Katelyn, holding her gun hand straight up in the air. The gun fires a second shot, this one into the air. John Ross rushes over to them and manages to grab the gun from Katelyn's hand as Debra Lynn and Ashley rush to the aid of the wounded James. Once Katelyn has been disarmed and John Ross is holding her, Jimmy also kneels beside his father. Debra Lynn, Jimmy, and Ashley cry uncontrollably, Debra Lynn cradles James's head in her lap. Krystina and Alex look on in horror at the horrific scene of James laying in the driveway, bleeding profusely from his wound as his wife, son, and daughter surround him....
Write a comment
Brian (Sunday, 17 June 2018 19:09)
Awesome stuff love it thank you
Robert (Sunday, 17 June 2018 20:42)
That was great
Parker Bena (Sunday, 17 June 2018 21:10)
Nicely done. I feel awful for Christopher and Courtney. Tripp got what he deserved. Katelyn Spencer is wigging out big time.
Steven (Sunday, 17 June 2018 21:10)
Great job again!!! Keep it up!!��������
Rose Meisenhelder (Sunday, 17 June 2018 21:34)
Austin, I would strongly advise you to rat your mother out to the authorities or you'll wind up in even more trouble.
So, is there really a baby, or is that just another of Katelyn's delusions?
I really wish Debra Lynn would punch Katelyn right in the face. The woman kidnapped and tortured her son and just shot her husband.
And did you forget about James & Debra's baby daughter Eve?
Loretta (Sunday, 17 June 2018 21:57)
John Walden (Sunday, 17 June 2018 22:02)
@Rose......nope, I didn't forget Eve. In fact, Katelyn even mentioned her when she was talking to Jimmy before she forced him to take her to Southfork.
Linda (Monday, 18 June 2018 04:55)
So many twists and turns. Sad about c(Cristopher and Courtney’s baby. Katelyn back. Wow
Nicola (Monday, 18 June 2018)
Can’t wait for the next episode. I wonder what will happen with Jacob now. Jay should be at Jill’s side or will she end up with Craig. i really don’t know who killed Tripp, but there are so many suspects.
Chris Hawkins (Monday, 18 June 2018 08:32)
You are a great writer, and are doing an awesome job with the continuation of the Dallas saga, Please don’t stop writing the continuation of this series. You have done a great job with writing this series! Keep up the great work!
Andrew Hass (Monday, 18 June 2018 13:22)
I wonder if Courtney losing the baby will make her, Christopher and Chase behave more civil with each other and they could try to put Jacob and what's best for him first.For example maybe Chase realizes that after losing the baby the last thing Courtney needs is her losing Jacob too and he agrees to put a halt to the custody battle for now.In return maybe Courtney and Christopher agree to let Chase to have time with Jacob and let them get to know each other.
As for Jimmy, he probably has to find out if Katelyn is telling the truth about a baby or not.
Verena (Monday, 18 June 2018 17:19)
Wow, so many suspects in the Tripp murder case. I have no idea anymore who could be the murderer, all of them have many good reasons. I liked the way that you presented Pamela's conflicting emotions at Tripp's funeral from hatred because of what Tripp had become to love because of how he used to be.
The scene between Afton and Cliff was classic. She really told him off for his lack of empathy. The scene showed the major problems that Afton had to deal with in her relationship with him over the years. Cliff should finally learn to also take care of his daughter, when she needs him. Well, Cliff is going to need Afton's support, because I have a feeling Cliff has been at the scene of the crime and it is typical of him to try to get an alibi instead of being honest. I understand his fear of going back to prison though.
The ending of the episode was so powerful and frightening. I hope James survives. And Katie is just as crazy as her mother, maybe even crazier... Thanks for this really long episode, John, can't wait to find out how things continue.
Verena (Monday, 18 June 2018 17:20)
Yes, and I can picture Afton watching an old Bette Davis movie. ;)
Ada Vincent (Monday, 18 June 2018 19:45)
Wonderful writing can’t wait for the next episode
Perry Cox (Monday, 18 June 2018 20:10)
WOW!!!! so many cliffhangers I almost couldn't keep up! That was one of the best episodes you have written and that says ALOT because they are all great. Can't wait to see who killed tripp
Verena (Tuesday, 19 June 2018 06:51)
I agree with Chris. Please continue to write the saga. All of us here really appreciate the hard work and dedication you put into writing the episodes each week about the show we all love, some of us for many years. I personally reading the story here in Europe would definately miss something if you didn't continue. So you see that you are in a way even connecting people all around the world by writing your saga. Thank you again, John. Verena
Derek Matbews (Tuesday, 19 June 2018 08:36)
Look, I'm still IN TOTAL SHOCK that Katelyn Spencer shot James dad. I agree with you Rose, I wish to god that Debra Lynn would punch her, and beat the hell out of her for kidnapping her son, raping him, dragging him, taserimg him, and just traumatizing him every chance she got. And she just shot her husband too! Like what the flying hell? I tell you, my heart was racing when I saw that. I hope James survives for god sake. Unbelivable!
Derek Mathews (Tuesday, 19 June 2018 08:48)
Rose, I agree with you again. If I were you Austin, I would turn in your mother to the law as well. Turn in Brian Manning and Katelyn Spencer while you are at it too. All three deserve jail time. Next, there is no BABY whatsoever! Trust me, this is just another one of her delusions. Katelyn is as delusional as her mother is at the end of the day; I hope Debra Lynn is not a widow! That would be really messed up after what happened to Tripp McKay.
Derek Mathews (Tuesday, 19 June 2018 08:55)
I agree Andrew Hass! Courtney losing the baby is ALL on Christopher and Chase because of all their arguing they were doing! They couldn't just sit down, and act like adults. Now you see the result of what happened because they weren't using their heads. They were too busy fighting over Jacob to calm down, and both of them have such explosive tempers. Now Chase knows that he is not the father, he needs to call off this stupid custody battle because the last thing that needs to happen is Courtney losing Jacob at the end of the day. I bet Chases older brother is going to be in for one hell of a surprise though. But this whole episode was sad!
Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 20 June 2018 02:57)
Verna, I agree with everything! Anybody could have killed Tripp McKay, and everything. This dude had enemies has lost as my arm, and everything. I always knew that nice guy act McKay had was a crock. Only person who saw through it was John Ross; I remember the whole time he was married to Pamela he kept saying I'm not John Ross, all you have to do is trust him, well that now turned out to be a bunch of crap! Pamela trusted him, and he really showed his true colors. I really think McKay makes John Ross look like a damn saint. Next, that scene between Cliff Barnes and Afton Cooper was classic! But this time I agree with Cliff Barnes on his lack of empathy! I mean Tripp McKay, his ex-son in law screwed Cliff Barnes and his son Brad Stone, his ex-partners. Now I'm not big fans of either of these guys. Barnes is a mean little man, and outside of McKay, I think Brad Stone is the biggest piece of garbarge in these episodes. That loan was next to impossible to pay back, and Barnes/Stone had a failing business! There was NO way they were going to be able do it. Really 15%???????!!!! And then he called in that loan after that fight with Pamela out of spite! Barnes and Stone were screwed! And oh yeah, Barnes and Coopers relationship has always been like that. Where Barnes has not been there for his daughter, and Afton has! And if Barnes has no abli, yeah, that would look bad for him. That's why he told his son Brad Stone, that they would be each other's abilis. I mean, Barnes could have hired somebody to take out McKay! That's why his son was looking at him suspiciously. Barnes doesn't want to go to jail again though.
Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 20 June 2018 03:19)
I agree Verena! I hope James survives too! Katelyn shooting him scared the hell out of me. And I just keep wondering? How the hell do these Ewing men keep attracting these crazy boards?!!!! For Bobby it was Katherine Wentworth, For Gary, it was Jill Bennett, Ray, it was Connie Hall, John Ross, it was Marta De Sol, and Amanda and Pamela weren't crazy, but he was married to both of them, and they were a handful. Both of them cheated, Amanda drugged him, and pretended to be pregnant twice; they seemed worlds apart, but I'd say they were even. Sue Ellen was right about that. James had two wives at one point, Michelle and Debra Lynn.
Andrew Hass (Wednesday, 20 June 2018 05:39)
Derek Mathews i agree that if Chase isn't Jacob's father he needs to drop the custody suit but he may not just take Christopher and Courtney's word that he's not Jacob's father.He may want a paternity test done.Plus if the custody battle goes to court a judge may order a paternity test just to make sure there's irrefutable evidence that Chase is Jacob's father.
As for Cliff, he might be worried about going back to prison and that's why he suggested he and Brad should be each other's alibis but maybe Cliff thinks Brad killed Tripp and so he's trying to protect him by trying to give him an alibi.
Also i can't wait to see what happens when Alex tries to convince John Ross to go easy on Connor and Dylan.
Verena (Wednesday, 20 June 2018 11:01)
@ Andrew Hass I would really be happy if Cliff tried to protect Brad because that would mean he is worrying about and taking care of his son, in other words a positive character development, but knowing his egotism I have got my doubts.
@ Derek I agree, as much as I have always loved the Afton/Cliff relationship, especially in this story here, it has always bothered me that Afton was the one really taking care of Pamela. I thought there was a big improvement in Cliff's character when he went after Afton and Pamela when they were kidnapped by Van Buren. He was finally acting like a father and a person who truly cares about Afton, but now it at least seems like he is falling back into old patterns. But perhaps he will get a chance to redeem himself. Only John knows... ;)
Andrew Hass (Wednesday, 20 June 2018 11:25)
@Verna Well Cliff might have thought he was trying to kill 2 birds with the same stone in trying to provide alibi for both him and Brad since they are now both protected.
Also i can't wait to see what happens when Tripp's will is read because even though i'm sure he left everything to Hunter he may have left someone surprising in charge of his estate until Hunter reaches the age of consent.So even from the grave Tripp is still causing problems and he gets the last laugh on his enemies.
Verena (Wednesday, 20 June 2018)
@ Andrew Agreed , killing two birds with the same stone would sound like Cliff. ;) And he is definitely very nervous, so he has got something to hide. Wonder when Afton will notice. Normally nothing passes by her ...
Andrew Hass (Wednesday, 20 June 2018 15:24)
@Verna Right now Afton might be more concerned about Pamela than Cliff but i'm sure she'll start to notice that Cliff is acting nervous in time.However i'm wondering if Pamela becomes the prime suspect if Afton throws Cliff and/or Brad to the wolves so to speak.However i don't think Cliff killed Tripp because he might be too old to attack Tripp but he may know something about Tripp's murder.Maybe Cliff found Tripp's body before the 2 kids found him but he walked away from Tripp's body without calling 911 or anything.
Julia Cherri (Wednesday, 20 June 2018 18:46)
Oh John, I so enjoyed this episode. So full of drama and excitement from beginning to the end. So many unanswered questions although you did answer many of them. So much happening from day to day. Loved all of it. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I hope and pray that you will continue writing this story. It could continue for years to come. May God Bless You Always!!
Derek Mathews (Thursday, 21 June 2018 07:57)
@Andrew Hass: You have an excellent point with that. Chase Goberti will definitely want a DNA Test so he can make sure Courtney and Christophe aren't lying. So of course the court will have to appoint one through that whole inferrable evidence to that Joseph is the father. Just sayin! I can understand that Cliff is worried about going back to jail, and he should be, I guess that is also why he is trying to have an abili for the murder. So Brad and Cliff can be each other's abilis. And if Brad did kill Tripp, Cliff is just going out of his way to pretty much protect him at the end of the day. That's what parents do for their children, they protect them, and I'm curious as to what Alex is going to say to John Ross about dropping the charges or so. But I do think John Ross is being too hard on Connor and Dylan though. He needs to learn how to forgive Dylan; Alex is fine, but neither Connor or Dylan can survive in jail.
Derek Mathews (Thursday, 21 June 2018 08:22)
@Verena: Well, Cliff needs to do a better job of supporting his daughter. Like when Tripp wanted to use her children against her tonend Justin and Pamela's relationship, he was all for it. He should have told Tripp, I love my daughter, and those children, and this is not happening. And he really needs to get over Justin being a Ewing! Your daughter is a grown woman who has been married three times. She has two children. Let her live her life, and butt out!
Derek Mathews (Thursday, 21 June 2018 09:18)
And I thought Cliff Barnes was making improvements too when it comes to Pamela and Afton being kidnapped! But I guess not. I guess old habits are hard to come by, and everything. And another thing, I can't stand Bobbys self-righteous, Mr. goody two shoes act; like you have never lied to protect somebody in your life? I mean, if my memory was correct, Bobby was the father of Jenna's child, and he never told her about it. She had to hear it from Ray who was talking about it to Bobby. And they got into an argument about it. Bobby is easily the biggest hyprocite in these episodes, and I'm sick of it! I mean seriously, you want to be a quitter? You want to pack your bags, leave your wife, your family, your sons, nephews, wife, sister-in-law, and grandsons behind? Then get the steppin then! I bet your mother, father, and brother would all be seriously dissapointed in you that you gave up! I know you are tired of the fighting, but high-profile famalies don't get along sometimes. And he's not providing a good example for his sons because they have become just as bad. All that self-righteous, hyprocite, being like you are perfect with no flaws is ridiculous, outrageous, and insulting. Bobby, Christopher, and Lucas need to get over themselves. All three have the Ewing temper.
Verena (Thursday, 21 June 2018 09:19)
@ Derek You are right. And talking about grandchildren: who is taking care of them again? Afton, not Cliff. I think he really likes being a grandfather, he really wanted his grandsons. But he also needs to take care of them or it will be another chance wasted in his life.
Derek Mathews (Thursday, 21 June 2018 09:32)
My mistake, Bobby never told Pam he was the father of Jennas child because he knew that would hurt her. So basically he was lying to protect her. This is the same exact thing what Ann did. I think Ann deserves better, and Bobby needs to get off his high horse. I mean, let's face it, she was trying to protect herself, Emma, Bobby, Lucas, Heather, and Micheal. That's six people that she was trying to protect in this mess, and that's extremely exhausting to do at the end of the day. It is also physically, mentally, and emotionally draining because a secret like that weighs on you. Then you are receiving threatening letters from you snakes like Katherine Wentworth and Tripp McKay. Then McKay is also sending threatening letters to Emma Ryland as well. Like seriously; again Bobby, sell your half of Southfork to John Ross rather than a stranger. Then get the hell out of you want to be a quitter, and quit on your family. The Ewings without Bobby are just never going to be the same.
Amdrew Hass (Thursday, 21 June 2018 09:33)
@Derek Matthews I'm also wondering if Chase confronts Joseph about whether or not he had sex with Courtney all those years ago.Also with all the problems Jacob has already dealt with in his life i'm wondering Christopher, Courtney, Chase and even Joseph will think for now at least it's best Jacob continues to think Chase is his biological father.
As for Alex, it could be interesting to see how he reacts when he sees how revenge minded John Ross is in regards to him wanting Connor and Dylan to pay.Now if John Ross doesn't want to forgive Connor and Dylan that's his right but he should just be grateful that Alex is okay.Plus is making Dylan and Connor pay really worth John Ross making his son mad at him?
As for Cliff, i think he needs to realize the more he tries to control Pamela's life the more he takes the risk of losing her and his grandchildren for good.Now i'm sure Pamela is not asking Cliff to be happy about her and Justin but she may just want peace in her family.However i'm worried that Cliff might try to frame Justin for Tripp's murder in order to get him out of Pamela's life and at the same time end the murder investigation,
Andrew Hass (Thursday, 21 June 2018 09:44)
@Derek Mathews Bobby found out about Jenna carrying his baby at his and Pam's wedding.He and Ray got into an argument and Ray told him Jenna was pregnant since Jenna told and Pam was standing in the doorway and heard Ray.So Bobby and Pam found out at the same time.
As for Bobby, considering that this isn't the first time Ann has kept a secret from him it's understandable that this time he might have had enough.Plus this secret that Ann was keeping directly affected Bobby since it was about his grandson.Also the fact that it was Tripp who told him might not have helped Bobby's mood.
Rose Meisenhelder (Thursday, 21 June 2018 20:31)
Joseph doesn't remember having sex with Courtney, it was a one night stand 10 years ago.
Advise to all the Ewings, every time there is a paternity issue in your family, it tends to blow up in the worst possible way. Either it's blabbed by the worse person possible, like Tripp about Logan, or Danny Woleska telling Bobby & Betsy Gary is their father, or the kid overhears an argument, like Lucas did when he found out Bobby was his father. It might be advisable if you could avoid this in the future. But then, you are the Ewings, so you probably won't listen to my advice.
Derek Mathews (Thursday, 21 June 2018 22:56)
Well, you have a good point Rose. Courtney at 15 and Courtney at 22,23 are two different people. Joseph probably doesn't even remember having sex with Courtney; that's why Courtney didn't want to involve Joseph in the first place. Because if she had, he would have ended up in jail for statutory rape! And that would not look good. I agree, paternity issues ALWAYS seem to blow up in the Ewings faces, and the worst possible person tells these kind of things. Tripp about Logan; Danny Weloska telling Gary about Bobby and Betsy; Lucas overhearing an argument when Bobby was his father. Or Emma overhearing Lucas tell Christopher that John Ross was Alex's father. Then Emma overhearing Afton say Cliff Barnes was Emma's father. Or How Christopher found out Elena was pregnant; he had to hear from John Ross about that. Elena didn't tell him anything. Heather telling Lucas he was Micheals father, and Christopher overheard it. Look at all these examples. Gary, Kate, and Brian lying about Molly Cunningham being Brian's daughter when she really was Gary Ewings. Or Bobby and Pam founding out at the same time that Bobby was the father of Jenna's child. I mean, look at all these examples, but it sure is good drama. Ewings sure know how to make it interesting. If it didn't have drama, we wouldn't read it.
Andrew Hass (Friday, 22 June 2018 04:14)
@Rose Meisenhelder Yes Joseph may not remember that he had sex with Courtney all those years but Chase may not know Joseph doesn't remember.So if Chase confronts Joseph not knowing Joseph doesn't remember that could open up another can of worms because it could make Joseph wonder if he is Jacob's father.Plus what is the statute of limitations for statutory rape in whatever state Joseph and Courtney had sex because if Joseph is prosecuted it'll probably happen in the state where the crime happened.
Verena (Saturday, 23 June 2018 17:39)
I think it will also be interesting to see whether now that Tripp is dead Jeremy Wendell might be interested in getting Hunter under his influence. He seemed very much taken with his great-grandson... another thing for the Barneses to worry about.
Andrew Hass (Saturday, 23 June 2018 18:01)
If Jeremy Wendell can somehow get Pamela convicted for killing Tripp he could sue for custody of his great-grandson Hunter.Plus assuming Tripp left everything to his son whoever has custody of Hunter could have control of the entire estate.
As for Chase, i do wonder if he starts wondering if Joseph is Jacob's father or least there is a possibility of it because if Christopher and Courtney wanted to claim Chase isn't Jacob's father why say Chase's brother is which could easily be disproven.
Rose Meisenhelder (Saturday, 23 June 2018 18:37)
Jeremy Wendell, is what, about 80 years old with a criminal record. Plus he will probably soon get caught hiding Katherine. Even if he doesn't get caught, what judge would give custody to a guy who might not live long enough to see the kid graduate from kindergarten?
I think Courtney & Joseph's one night stand occurred in Florida. Anyone know the statute of limitations on statutory rape in that state?
Andrew Hass (Saturday, 23 June 2018 19:29)
@Verona You make a good point about Jeremy Wendell's age but Wendell may still want to make sure Hunter ends up in the right hands.That way he could still pull strings in regards to Tripp''s estate.
What is the age of consent in Florida?However i think the last thing Courtney may want to do is press statutory rape charges against Joseph because she may not want it becoming public how Jacob was conceived.
Derek Mathews (Sunday, 24 June 2018 13:35)
@Andrew Hass; I have no idea what the statue of limitations is in Florida. But one thing for sure, that's why Courtney didn't want to involve Joseph in the first place, cause if she had, Joseph might be in jail right now, and I hope that Chase doesn't confront Joseph about this; opening up a can of worms is about the last thing in the world that needs to happen between between them. But Joseph is going to get the surprise of his life though. We will see what happens!
Derek Mathews (Sunday, 24 June 2018 13:48)
Verena: Alrhough that's something that Jeremy Wendell is capable of, I doubt that any judge would allow that to happen. I'm not the biggest Pamela fan in the world, but nobody is going to give a 90 year old guy custody of a child; especially one that has a criminal background. Pamela is not a saint, that's for sure, but she is not a criminal either. That is the difference between her and Jeremy Wendell. Pamela and the Barnes family should not even let Jeremy Wendell anywhere near Hunter.
Derek Mathews (Sunday, 24 June 2018 14:07)
Andrew Hass: I could again see Jeremy Wendell trying to frame Pamela for Tripps murder. But I think that would backfire because Tripp McKay had a ton of enemies and anybody could have killed him or hired somebody to kill him. In the long run, Pamela and Justin, and Afton will look after those children.
Andrew Hass (Sunday, 24 June 2018 17:48)
Plus i'm wondering if Chase when he finds out for sure that Joseph is Jacob's father switches sides and tries to make sure Jacob stays with Courtney because he may knows that's best for Jacob.However i hope when the truth comes out Christopher, Courtney, Joseph and even Chase can come together and put Jacob and what is best for him first.However i'm worried that Courtney after losing the baby might blame Christopher for it a little. and that could cause problems in their marriage.
As for Tripp, i think whoever killed him was someone he knew and not a hired gun or something.Plus before he was killed Tripp did get a call from someone and that's why he was leaving the building when he did.So i'm wondering if that call and the killer are somehow connected because otherwise how would the killer have known Tripp was leaving the building at that moment?
Derek Mathews (Tuesday, 26 June 2018 04:51)
@Andrew Hass: All of that stuff is certainly possible. We will see, and right now this whole mess is Courtney, Christopher, and Chases fault! All three of them had a hand in this whole entire mess. Losing that baby was just tragic, absolutely tragic at the end of the day. And one thing for sure, the honeymoon period is definitely over for Christopher and Courtney. I could see them having major problems in their marriage now. I see a future custody battle between Lucas Ewing and Emma Ryland. And take it from a guy who has seen his share of criminal shows like ID, Forsensic Files, Fatal Attraction, Snapped, Snapped: Killer Couples, and so on, murders like this are personal. The victims almost always know their killers. Have to think outside the box on this one; it's a man that did this. It's either one the male suspects or again a hired hitman did this. Like for example, Katherine Wentworth hired a hitman, Andre Shuman to kill Jenna Wade and the witness Veronica Robinson. In the end, Katherine ended up framing Jenna for two murders so it's very possible it went down like this.
Andrew Hass (Tuesday, 26 June 2018 07:12)
@Derek Mathewsa Plus i'm also wondering if after losing the baby it makes Courtney even more determined not to lose Jacob and maybe she goes against Christopher.For example maybe Courtney goes to Chase and offers to drop the idea of Christopher adopting Jacob in return for him dropping the custody battle and letting him be a part of Jacob's life.Also maybe Courtney could claim that Christopher was just lying when he said Joseph is Jacob's biological father because she may know adding Joseph to this situation could just add more problems.
I can also foresee a custody battle between Lucas and Emma and that it might get ugly.Also i can't wait to see what Michael finds out he has a sibling because he may not be exactly happy and it could cause him to act out.
As for Tripp, i think he knew his killer because he said, 'What the hell are YOU doing here?'However he was also surprised to see the person.So it was probably someone he wasn't expected to see.However i agree that it was probably a man who killed Tripp because i don't think a woman could do the kind of damage on Tripp that a man could do.Also like i said i don't think Cliff did it either because i think he's too old.However i do think Cliff knows something about the murder.For example maybe he was there when Tripp was killed and he saw something or someone.
Parker Bena (Tuesday, 26 June 2018 12:19)
Steven R. McQueen is the grandson of legendary actor Steve McQueen ("The Great Escape", "The Sand Pebbles", "Bullit")
Verena (Tuesday, 26 June 2018 14:51)
@ Andrew I also think that Cliff was at the scene of the crime and I don't think he killed Tripp either. But perhaps he saw one of his children there?? That would explain why he was so nervous before.
Derek Mathews (Tuesday, 26 June 2018 16:57)
For once in his life Verena, and Andrew Hass, Cliff Barnes needs to tell the truth and leave it alone at the end of the day. Brad does too, and it will be over with. Personally I don't think that Cliff Barnes or Brad Stone killed Tripp McKay. But they may have an idea on who did or they definitely might have been a witness to all this. Either way, there are just so many twists and turns to explore in this high-profile case, and cases like these are always the hardest because the suspect list is like a mile long. That means the victim hurt a lot of people, and Tripp McKay hurt a lot of people.
Derek Mathews (Tuesday, 26 June 2018 20:05)
Well Andrew Hass, like I said those are ALL major possibilities. The honeymoon period for Courtney and Christopher is definitely over. This is when their marriage is definitely going to be tested because they are dealing with a lot of things; the loss of their baby; how this mess played out; Christopher spilling the beans about Joseph being the father; and you are right, adding Joseph to this mess is going to have more problems for Courtney and Christopher. And Courtney going against Christopher is possible because they have been doing so much arguing since this situation came about at the end of the day. Plus, she may have no choice but to drop Christopher being able to adopt Jacob, and let Chase be a part of his life. I mean, that's the only way he will drop the custody case at the end of the day. Boy oh Boy! Lucas and Emma have always had a toxic relationship, but now that Lucas Ewing knows he's the father of her son Baby Logan Chase, I see a HUGE and very ugly custody battle sometime next season between them. And Emma doesn't know that pretty much everybody in the Ewing family knows, or at least has suspicions as in Shawn or Alex about the whole thing. And the whole person that knows the truth in that damn Channing family is Elena. Everybody else doesn't know, but they are going to find out soon enough. And if Lucas shows up to see Emma; all hell is going to back loose. Yeah I think Micheal will have mixed feelings about have a baby brother. I think McKay knew his killer too because most murders occur that way. Very rarely does murders involve where the victim DOESNT know his or her killer or killers. That's a good point; Tripp said to the man, what the hell are you doing here?!!!! So we will see what happens in the season finale. Don't underestimate a woman either because women are a lot stronger than they look. This one is going to be interesting.
Andrew Hass (Wednesday, 27 June 2018 06:44)
Derek Mathews I agree the honeymoon for Christopher and Courtney is probably over and now they may have to see if their marriage is strong enough to handle the loss of their baby and how this whole mess played out and maybe they start to saying things to each other that they can't take back.For example maybe Courtney blames Christopher for making things worse with Chase and Christopher could blame Courtney for lying and saying Chase is Jacob's father since that's why Chase is in their lives now.Plus if Chase and Courtney start spending time together because of Jacob that could make Christopher jealous.Also i keep wondering if because Lucas and Emma are probably heading for a custody battle i don't know if there will also be one for Jacob too because 2 custody fights at the same time might be overkill.
As for Lucas, i think if Emma had told right away that he was Logan's father he might have been willing to share custody and not go through a custody fight but now that's probably out the window.Also i can't wait to see Cliff's reaction when he finds out his grandson is a Ewing.Also i'm wondering if Elena might offer to help Lucas get custody in return for maybe her getting to spend more time with her son because since she's been living at the Channing house maybe Elena knows things about Emma that Lucas could use.
As for McKay, it was obvious that he knew his killer in some way because of his reaction.However since Tripp kicked his attacker in the leg i'm wondering if the killer will have a bruise or something on his or her leg.Also i agree that this murder mystery could be interesting and hard to solve since there are so many suspects with good motives.Also i'm wondering if in the season finale one of the cliffhangers is someone gets arrested for the murder.Plus i think it could be interesting if whoever gets arrested gets convicted too for the crime and goes to prison for a time while the real killer is still out there.
Victor Manuel Sierra (Friday, 15 November 2019 16:47)
Nice to see M. Russell Ballard from the quórum of the 12 apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, as the pastor.